Associate Degrees

If you have college credits but have not obtained an official degree, you may be able to leverage those credits and earn an associate degree. This may allow you to complete a degree in less time and earn a credential to assist you in your career before you complete a bachelor’s degree. 

  • The Associate of Arts - The Associate of Arts degree is a generalist program that serves many purposes. The degree serves students who want a broad education by sampling a variety of different subject areas, who are planning to complete a bachelor's degree program, or who want to advance their careers by holding a degree. Because of the general nature of the program, students may specialize in a particular field of study that will meet their specific educational needs. 
  • The Associate of Science  - The Associate of Science degree is a generalist program that serves many purposes. The degree allows students who want a broad education with access to a variety of subjects, which creates an opportunity to personalize their experience. Because of the general nature of the program, students may specialize in a particular field of study that will meet their specific educational needs. 
  • The Associate of Technical Study (A.T.S.) - The Associate of Technical Study degree is an individualized program that is open to students who need a specially designed course of study in a technical field. The program consists of courses that allow students to meet their career goals. Course requirements are planned with a faculty advisor's help and must be approved by the dean of the College of Applied and Technical Studies. 

To find out if you can earn an associate degree as you pursue your bachelor’s, talk with one of our degree completion experts.