Call for Papers

We invite paper and panel proposals addressing topics and questions such as the following, with particular attention being given to the role that one or more of the humanities disciplines might play in enhancing moral judgment and action:
  • Multiple Neurocognitive Bases of Morality.  What are the various neurocognitive bases of morality; what roles do they play in moral judgment and action; and how might studying philosophy, literature, or history change one or more of these factors or alter their relative weights in decision making?
  • Morality as Expertise, Virtue as Social Intelligence.  In what ways are moral judgment and action functions of social intelligence or expertise—that is, certain social information-processing capabilities and habits—and how might engagement with philosophy, history, literature, or languages enhance morally crucial information processing?
  • Moral Identity.  What are the neurocognitive constituents of a moral identity; what role does it play in moral action; and how might religion studies, literature, history, or philosophy contribute to the development of moral identity by nourishing its various neurocognitive constituents? 
  • Fact as a Basis for Value. To what extent can (and should) is be the basis of ought, and can the humanities enhance morality by making us more knowledgeable about, or more attuned to, certain facts of human nature, the human condition, or the world in general?  For instance, what implications do the findings of the social, cognitive, and biological sciences regarding the external, uncontrollable causes of human behavior, life outcomes, and character have for judgments of moral responsibility, and how might history, philosophy, literature, or the study of religions help us to become more attuned to these causes?
  • Evolutionary Origins of Morality.  What possibilities or problems regarding morality are revealed by its evolutionary origins?  For instance, what are the implications for morality of the evolutionary basis of responses such as empathy, altruism, or disgust, or of values such as fairness or loyalty, and how might the humanities help us to more effectively navigate these features of our evolved brains?

Proposed papers should run no more than 20 minutes; panels of 3 or 4 presenters should run no more than 60 minutes.

Submit your abstracts (300 words for papers, 500 words for panels) at or click below:
Submit a proposal

Deadline for Submissions: August 1, 2016

For any questions please email