Seminar Room Layout Options

  • Classroom Style
    Tables and chairs facing forward
    Maximum capacity options:
    6 x 6 = 36 (six rows w/ six seats)
    5 x 6 = 30 (five rows with six seats)
    Five seats is more ideal.  One seat must sit on the seam of the two tables.
    seminar room classroom setup
  • Closed Conference Style
    "I" setup
    Approximate maximum = 24
    seminar room closed conference setup
  • Open Conference Style
    Rounded tables at corners (not shown)
    Maximum capacity = 33
    seminar room open conference setup
  • Pod Style
    Approximate maximum = 60
    seminar room pod setup
  • Round Tables Conference Style
    Seating for 6 per table
    10 available round tables
    Maximum capacity = 60
    seminar room round table setup
  • Theatre Style
    All chairs facing forward
    No tables
    seminar room theatre setup