During Search Process
Responsibilities of Search Committee Chair
In collaboration with department director, select search committee and ensure that search committee is diverse
Inform search committee on requirement to complete the Human Resources Hiring Certification Program required by HR. The training is obtained via Blackboard, My Courses. (https://learn.kent.edu). Search Committee member will be able to view applicants in PageUp (https://kent.dc4.pageuppeople.com/hiringmanagerdashboard) after they complete the Human Resources Hiring Certification Program
Schedule a meeting with search committee to review hiring protocol and guidelines
Schedule search committee meetings
Provide names of search committee to Hiring Manager
Inform Hiring Manager if position closing dates should be revised
Search Committee and Chair Must
Notify Hiring Manager after all search committee members have completed the Human Resources Hiring Certification Program
Include at least one staff member from the associated department to serve on search committee
Create rating sheets, rubrics and other forms needed to rate candidates
Provide a tentative hiring process timeline and interview schedule to Hiring Manager (see attached)
Include an Open Session as part of interview process for all University College and other applicable KSU community members to attend (if required for position). If a presentation is required for this position, the presentation can be utilized as the open session
Include an interview session for staff who will work with prospective candidate
Schedule optional meals for top-level leadership positions (deans and directors)
Provide tours for all level staff if candidate is external
Invite Dean and/or Assistant Dean to interview leadership candidates (director and assistant director)
Schedule a committee member to greet and escort candidate to interview
Review applications of applicants using a rating sheet and select candidates to be interviewed
Provide the rating sheet of all applicants to Hiring Manager
Inform committee members and those attending the open sessions of deadlines for submitting all Interview Rating Sheets. Be certain all members know when and where to submit rating sheets
Responsibilities of Hiring Manager
Obtain login access to HR website for search committee to review candidates
Contact HR to determine diversity of applicant pool prior to scheduling interviews
Schedule interviews with candidates (telephone or in-person)
Inform candidates of salary or salary range at time of scheduling interviews.
Send confirmation emails to candidates regarding interviews and include date, time, location, campus map or directions, parking, contact person, and any information on presentations or what they need to bring
Candidates must be informed via email regarding the University College requirements for interview presentations. See email statement below
Determine if a tour of the college or campus will be required and schedule the appropriate tour
Arrange parking for candidates
Reserve interview rooms and audiovisual equipment if applicable
Provide Search Committee with candidate interview schedule
Provide candidate resume to Open Session attendees (attach to Outlook invite)
Inform HR of update status of candidates
Inform HR when position closing dates should be revised
Responsibilities of HR
Update status of candidates on HR website as requested by Hiring Manager
Close or re-open positions as requested by Hiring Manager
Conduct testing (when applicable) for classified positions and determine eligible candidates