Hazardous Waste Disposal

Kent State University is dedicated to the maintenance of a safe, healthy and productive workplace environment. As part of our commitment to environmental health and safety, we strive to ensure that our students, faculty, staff and visitors meet or exceed state and federal regulations concerning hazardous waste, laboratory management and worker safety. Proper storage and disposal of laboratory waste is a key element in this commitment. Individuals that generate or handle waste, are required to follow the established guidelines concerning the proper disposal of hazardous waste. To ensure compliance with these rules, the University performs routine inspections of the waste area and laboratories. The EPA can also perform unannounced inspections of our laboratory facilities and hazardous waste storage areas. Violations can result in substantial fines, or even the closing of the laboratory.

There are many types of waste generated at Kent State University. In an effort to support these activities and remain in compliance with The U.S. and Ohio Environmental Protection Agencies (EPA) along with Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), Clean Water Act (CWA), Toxic Substances Control ACT (TSCA) and other Federal, State or Local regulations waste will be handled and disposed of in a streamlined manner according to regulations set forth by these governing agencies.

Please see this guide for Waste Disposal Requirements