Spotlight Colleen Dinan

Q&A with Colleen Dinan, Sophomore, Major: Environmental Studies, Minor: Sociology, EcoRep for Stopher/Johnson, Hometown: Westerville, OH

Office of Sustainability Newsletter May 2021

Colleen Dinan, Sophomore, Major: Environmental Studies, Minor: Sociology, EcoRep for Stopher/Johnson

What area(s) of sustainability are you most interested in?
Right now I am just trying to learn as much as possible about sustainability and environmentalism. I don't have a specific interest that I am set in yet, but I tend to be more interested in how humans are affected by climate change and how sustainability practices and policies can help. 
What made you interested in pursuing this area?
During high school, my best friend went vegetarian and I followed her a few months later. I realized how easy of a switch it was for me and started thinking about other small switches I could make that would be beneficial for the environment. When I came to Kent, I was originally a Sociology major but I took Environmental Earth Science for me Kent Core science credit and loved it so much I switched to Environmental Studies as my major. 
How do your studies or classes at Kent State support you in your sustainability endeavors?
As an Environmental Studies major, most of my classes support me in my sustainability journey. I get to learn the ins and outs of why certain unsustainable practices and products occur as well as the potential ways to fix and better the environmental crisis we are currently living through. 
What is your favorite part of your position, research, studies, or time at Kent State?
As Eco-Rep, I love being able to collaborate with my fellow REC members to make their programs more sustainable. There are a lot of really simple and easy switches that can be made that significantly reduce waste. 
What type of work or projects are you working on or have you worked on this year?
This past year I did two projects: Don’t Be Bamboozled by Recycling and the Plastic Bag Drive and Plarn Making Event. Both of these projects were done in collaboration with Ryan McGinnis. Don’t Be Bamboozled by Recycling invited Leah Graham from the Office of Sustainability to give a presentation to residents about how to properly recycle on campus. The Plastic Bag drive collected hundreds of plastic bags from students and then with the help of a few residents we held an event to cut the bags up and turn them into plarn to be used for mats for the homeless.  
What are your favorite accomplishments or projects you have worked on so far?
My favorite event was the plarn making event. We had a lot of fun listening to music and talking to residents. The process of making plarn is pretty simple so once we got in the grove, it was easy to hold conversations. 
What is an EcoRep and what is your role? (for people that may not know)
EcoRep is a position held by one resident in each residence hall. They are elected by other residents to instill sustainable practices in the hall and host environmentally related events throughout the semesters. They help advise other members of the Resident Engagement Council to make programs more environmentally friendly. We also work with the Office of Sustainability and Kent Interhall Council to support environmentally focused events all throughout campus. 
How can people learn more or get involved with EcoReps?
You can contact your RA, RHD, or GA and they can help you get more information. KIC is also a great source of information. 
What career or path do you see yourself pursuing after graduation?
I honestly have no idea what I am doing after graduation. I am hoping to work in the environmental sector in some way but I haven't found my niche yet. Additionally, I am thinking about grad school to further my studies. 
Thank you Colleen!
Kent Interhall Council

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