Living Laboratory Collaboration

Living Laboratory Collaboration

Helping create sustainable living is important to everyone on the planet.  Human beings are responsible for protection and stewardship of the environment and all its natural resources.  Technology have changed the way on how scientists investigate, monitor and protect nature.  Portable tools, smart sensors, wireless sensors and internet of things devices, and cyber-physical systems provide support for collection, transmission, management and analysis of huge amounts of data.  WiFi and Bluetooth systems provide the possibility of recording data at remote locations and visualizing them from any device with an internet connection, enabling the monitoring of geographically large areas.   Camera Traps are remote cameras that take photos when a sensor is triggered by movement of an animal, or person, and sends the image in real-time to the operator. This has been a most useful tool to document, identify, count and observe the elusive wildlife and marine life behaviors.

Wetlands play a number of roles in the environment, principally water purification, flood control, carbon sink and shoreline stability.  Remote and in-ground sensors in the optical and microwave range of the electromagnetic spectrum play a critical role in wetlands detection and delineation, as they complement each other in data collection. Wetlands are monitored by measuring vegetation, soils, and hydrology.  Living laboratories are being created for wetland research purposes.  Scientists and engineers collect data on topography, hydrology, water quality, geology, soils, vegetation, microorganisms, aquatic macroinvertebrates, terrestrial insects, amphibians, rep­tiles, fish, birds, mammals, prehistoric uses, historic uses, and public uses.    


The Living Laboratory Collaboration programs aims at creating multi-institution hybrid collaboration to respond to the need of specialized computing education for serving the 21st century age of environmental stewardship and sustainable living.  This program offers scientists and researches across the globe unprecedented access and opportunity to better understand the environment, monitor its status and take actions to conserve them.  Research and learning through cyber-connected state-of-art remote and in-ground sensors in the field provides extraordinary learning experiences for students. 

KSU Department of Computer Science seeks your Institution’s partnership to partake in this cyber-enabled educational living laboratory for remote experiential learning.