Beyond Compliance FAQs
Q: What constitutes successful completion of a qualified BC event?
A: For BC webinars and instructor-led courses, individuals must be present for at least 90% of the duration of the event. HR must have a record of attendance on hand.
Q: How often do I need to complete the annual requirement?
A: All Kent State employees must complete their two hour goal annually. The calendar is based on the university's fiscal year (July 1 - June 30).
Q: How are BC hours computed?
A: BC hours are earned for each hour of training completed. For example, a 1 hour webinar counts for 1 hour of BC credit.
Q: What are my options if I work part-time, or on 2nd or 3rd shift?
A: KSU employees not available during ‘traditional’ working hours to receive BC credit through the online courses in SafeColleges.
Q: What if we have a large group to watch a webinar or presentation?
A: Group or team viewing can make excellent learning opportunities through discussion! Just have someone record participant names and email addresses on a sign-in sheet, then scan and email it to