FAQs for Hiring Freeze
When will the hiring freeze be effective?
The hiring freeze becomes effective Sept. 1, 2019, and will remain in effect until further notice. All positions at offer development/negotiation stage and beyond will proceed according to the respective recruitment plan.
The position recruitment was already approved. Do I need to get another approval?
All positions that have been reviewed and approved by the Strategic Hiring Committee and not yet at the offer stage will be reevaluated for consideration within the freeze, including those in active recruitment and early interview stages.
How long will the hiring freeze plan be in effect?
The plan will be in effect indefinitely and until further notice.
What is the scope of the freeze?
This hiring freeze applies to new positions, vacant positions, re-appointments and positions that become vacant while the freeze is in effect.
What about promotions and reclassifications?
Promotions and reclassifications are on a case-by-case basis and only considered when the action eliminates the need for a vacancy replacement.
What positions are affected?
All full and part-time staff and faculty positions are affected.
Do these exception guidelines apply to faculty positions?
Yes. The freeze guidelines and exception process apply to all full- and part-time faculty and staff positions.
Does this apply to Regional Campuses?
No, this is an initiative to balance the Kent Education & General (E&G) budget.
Will any exceptions to the suspension, delay or freeze on hiring be considered?
Yes, only with the approval of the president as recommended by the Strategic Hiring Committee. All requests for exceptions must be submitted to the Strategic Hiring Committee using the Position Control Request Form via strategic_hiring@kent.edu.
Can Auxiliary or Fund Balance funds be used to supplement hiring and support of funded research positions?
Auxiliary and Fund Balance funds may be proposed within a balanced approved budget; however, funding source must be identified on documentation.
Does this apply to grants?
No, the hiring freeze does not apply to positions which are 100% funded by external grants or contracts; however, funding sources must be identified on documentation.
What types of requests might warrant consideration for exception?
Consideration for exception will be given for certain positions, primarily those involving campus personal health and safety and those involving compliance with federal state and local laws and regulations. An extremely limited number of faculty positions that are essential to increased enrollment growth will be approved as guided and prioritized by the respective College Strategic Plans funded through any excess hiring freeze savings and as approved by the provost and president.
Will the hiring freeze impact reclassifications and pay adjustments?
Yes. All requests for position reclassification and/or salary changes must be submitted for budgetary approval to the Strategic Hiring Committee using the Position Control Request Form via strategic_hiring@kent.edu.