All colloquia take place Thursdays at 1:30 pm, unless otherwise noted. All colloquia are in-person.
August 24 |
No Colloquium - 1st week of Fall 2023 classes |
August 31
Penn State University Title: Nuclear Astrophysics with Numerical Relativity Host : Veronica Dexheimer |
September 7 |
Carnegie-Mellon University Title: Magic Angle Butterfly in Twisted Trilayer Graphene Host: Khandker Quader |
September 14 |
Kent State University Title: The Biophysics of Tightly Bent DNA Host: Khandker Quader |
September 21 |
Florida State University/NHFML (National Magnet Lab) Title: The Dark Energy of Quantum Materials Host: Khandker Quader |
September 28 |
University of Massachusetts, Boston Title: The Grasshopper Problem Host: Khandker Quader |
October 5 |
Fall Break - No Colloquium |
October 12 |
Indiana University, Bloomington Title: Entangled Probes for Entangled Matter Host: Khandker Quader Canceled. To be re-scheduled. |
October 19 |
Institute for Nuclear Theory, University of Washington Title: Understanding QCD matter under extreme conditions with transport models Host: Veronica Dexheimer Canceled. Re-scheduled - Oct 26 |
October 26 |
Institute for Nuclear Theory, University of Washington Title: Understanding QCD matter under extreme conditions with transport models Host: Veronica Dexheimer |
November 2 |
Xiaojun Yao University of Washington, Seattle Title: Eigenstate Thermalization in Non-Abelian Lattice Gauge Theories Host: Mike Strickland |
November 9 |
Texas A&M University Title: Heavy Quarks and the Big Bang Host: Mike Strickland |
November 16 |
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory and Department of Physics, Florida State University Title: Non-equilibrium transport and thermalization in two-dimensional bad conductors Host: Khandker Quader |
November 23 |
No Colloquium - Thanksgiving break |
November 30 |
Case Western Reserve University Title: Super-resolution fluorescence imaging of extracellular environments Host: Thorsten Schmidt |
December 7 |
No Colloquium - last week of classes |