Self-Determinations and Clinical Trials
Self determinations
Exempt and Class Projects Self Determination - Revised (1/23/2023) - Use this to obtain level I approval for educational practices conducted in educational settings, surveys, interviews (including focus groups) and educational testing of adults or to register a class project.
- Review the Level I guidance document for more information for more information about exempt research.
- Review FAQ 11.10 to learn more about class projects - Class Project Consent Form
IRB Review Determination Form — Use this online form (Chrome is recommended) if you are unsure whether your project requires IRB review.
Clinical Trials
- To determine if you are conducting a clinical trial review NIH Clinical Trial Decision Tree and NIH's Clinical Trial Definition and Basic Experimental Studies Involving Humans Research webpages.
- All personnel engaged in a Clinical Trial MUST complete CITI GCP training.
- All Applicable Clinical Trials must be posted to
- FDA:
- NIH:
- Some journals may require posting even you are not conducting an Applicable Clinical Trial:
- Registration on
- Contact Kevin McCreary at to obtain credentials.
- Adhere to's requirements and review the PRS User Guide.
- Clinical Trial and Biomedical Study Consent Template - (new 11/5/21) use this template for clinical trial and biomedical studies.
- See also - Kent State User ID and Password Required Clinical Research SOPs