Single Parents

Literacy and Independence for Family Education

Becoming a successful college student is a stressful and sometimes confusing transition for everyone. Add children and adult responsibilities, and it can seem overwhelming! That’s why Kent State University is offering Literacy and Independence for Family Education/LIFE. This unique program is designed for single parents to study and learn together. Special services such as financial, parenting and nutrition workshops, tutoring for children and access to family resources will assist LIFE learning community residents with the awesome task of being student-parents. Students will also receive assistance with finding housing, child care, and other resources.

We know you can be successful with the right support.

Each program member and their children will focus on these learning objectives:

  • Education, which includes one on one advising and course registration assistance.
  • Support, provided by connecting you to a variety of campus and community resources that can help you meet your family’s personal needs.
  • A focus on family development, including workshops provided by campus and community leaders in the fields of education and family development.
  • Commitment to service, involving participants assisting in the development of a parenting organization and website that will focus on advocacy and program development for student parents.