Mild/Moderate Educational Needs

The Master’s Degree in Special Education Mild/Moderate Education Needs concentration provides advanced knowledge about special education for K-12 students with mild/moderate disabilities. Students with mild/moderate disabilities most often participate in the general curriculum. These students may require specially designed intervention and support in the areas of academics, non-cognitive skills, social and emotional functioning, behavior, and/or career preparation and postsecondary transition. Disabilities served by teachers with mild to moderate training and licensure include but are not limited to learning disabilities, emotional and behavioral disorders, ADHD/other health impairments, mild intellectual disabilities, and (when appropriate) autism spectrum disorder.

The Master’s Degree – Mild/Moderate concentration is designed to provide advanced knowledge and skills in the following areas:

  1. Identifying, designing, implementing, and evaluating effective, research-based practices that address the special education needs of K-12 students with mild/moderate disabilities
  2. Understanding and analyzing contemporary issues, trends, and controversies related to special education and mild/moderate disabilities
  3. Explaining the various roles of scientific research in theory development, policy making, and improving educational and other outcomes for K-12 students with mild/moderate disabilities


Please note that the Master’s degree and Non-degree Graduate Licensure Preparation Program are distinct and separate. If you are interested in Mild/Moderate Special Education Licensure in addition to a Master’s degree, you must be fully admitted into the Mild/Moderate Educational Needs Licensure Preparation (Non-Degree) and complete the prescribed coursework for that program in addition to that prescribed for the Master’s Degree.

Please contact Dr. Nathan Stevenson for more information about Mild/Moderate Graduate Programs.


Professional Licensure Disclosure
This program is designed to prepare students to sit for applicable licensure or certification in Ohio. If you plan to pursue licensure or certification in a state other than Ohio, please review state educational requirements for licensure or certification and contact information for state licensing boards at Kent State's website for professional licensure disclosure.

Kent State's website for professional licensure disclosure.