Educational Streaming Production

Educational Streaming Production

This microcredential will explain how educators and trainers can use streaming tools to deliver and manage live shows to serve their learning audiences. These materials will also be useful to facilitate streaming endeavors in general.

CREDENTIAL: Educational Live Streaming
CREDITS: 1.0 CEU (10 hours)
AUTHOR: Dr. Enrico Gandolfi



How to Earn This Microcredential

Participants will submit evidence related to learning, implementing, and reflecting on live streaming production for educational purposes. This includes a written overview of key strategies in future in planning and developing live streaming for education, presentation materials to be given or a presentation actually given to other stakeholders, and a reflection on lessons learned in this microcredential.


Participants submitting this microcredential for review will be assessed an administrative fee of $50. Participants who successfully complete the microcredential will receive a certificate showing completion of 1.0 CEU.