Recommended Syllabus Checklist

Consult with your mentor and/or colleagues on the Campus and in your department/school/independent college concerning requirements for your syllabus in addition to this brief advice.  Remember that many people will be reviewing your syllabi:  your students, the RTP Committee on the Tuscarawas Campus, the Campus Dean, evaluators from your department/school/independent college and university administrators at all levels.  Some faculty provide syllabi with daily expectations; others prefer a more streamlined document, but students should be able to understand basic expectations.

Course Information

Course title, number, section number, credit hours, room number, semester, campus, and meeting times


Instructor Information

Name, title, office hours, and contact information

Textbook/s or relevant on-line information

Title, author, publisher, edition, ISBN number, year, web address

Course Description

Course Objectives

Learning Objectives

Learning Outcomes


Topics and Chapters covered, by date


Evaluation of learning: exams, quizzes, reports, homework, projects, etc.

Grade computation

Attendance and/or timely performance expectations

Incomplete grades

Policy regarding missed work or classroom activities

Other Suggestions

Confidentiality statement (FERPA)

Strategies to help improve performance

Notice of Copyright and Intellectual Property Rights

Conduct/class behavior

Policy on cell phones and other electronic devices

Extra credit projects (if any)

Class participation

Teaching style

Use of technology

Academic Dishonesty: plagiarism and cheating

Academic Complaints

Withdrawal Dates

Disability Statement