Committee Members: 2023-2024 Academic Year
Name | Role |
Susan Perry (chair) | Associate Provost, Institutional Effectiveness |
Bill Ayres | Dean and Chief Administrative Officer, Trumbull |
Lori Burchard | Director, Sponsored Programs |
Nicole DeCaprio | Associate General Counsel |
Shannon Helfinstine | Associate Director, Assessment |
Elizabeth Henry | Director of Marketing Strategy & Research |
Mary Hricko | Faculty, Geauga Campus and Twinsburg Academic Center, (HLC Peer Reviewer) |
John Jewell | Assistant Dean, Academic Student Support Services, University College |
Jessica Marzullo | Coordinator, Operations and Special Projects, AAL |
Martha Merrill | Faculty, EHHS (HLC Peer Reviewer) |
Jennifer McDonough | Senior Associate Vice President, Strategy Management |
Joe Richardson | Manager of Communications and Marketing, EHHS |
Valerie Samuel | Associate Director, Assessment and Accreditation, Student Affairs |
Hollie Simpson | Associate Director, Accreditation |
Audrey Lemmons | Project Director, Regional Campuses |
Linnea Stafford | Director, Institutional Research |
Therese Tillett | Associate Vice President of Curriculum Planning and Administration |