Division of Information Technology

"AI at Kent State" Series

Hosted by the Division of Information Technology
Presented virtually by Microsoft Teams


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is perhaps the hottest topic in any conversation today. But does it make sense as a business strategy in higher ed? 

All we really want to know is... can AI give Kent State a competitive edge for an acceptable cost? 

Do the AI solutions we're hearing about from our vendor partners (and everywhere else...) actually create strong value and ROI? Could the cost, plus the necessary integration with current processes, plus change management, possibly be worth it at a time when every resource is so precious? 

Let's ask the vendors themselves! The Division of IT is gathering leading voices throughout 2024 to engage with Kent State University staff and faculty on AI's application in our context. Please join us in these interactive, highly personalized sessions for answers to questions like:

  • What are the emerging trends and uses of AI in higher education, especially in marketing, recruitment, student success and advancement?
  • Prove it to us. How do you know that your AI solution will have strong ROI for higher ed in general and Kent State in particular?
  • How do you handle sticky topics like AI ethics, risks, potential bias in learning models, and data security?

Please refer any questions to Sameer Jaleel, Associate CIO, at sjaleel1@kent.edu.


Session 4: August 1, 2024, Outsystems - "Building and Using AI Agents to Transform the Way We Work"

Session 4: August 1, 2024, Outsystems - "Building and Using AI Agents to Transform the Way We Work"

Date: August 1, 2024     |     Time: 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM 
Join us on an exciting journey into the future of AI-enabled business transformation, where AI is not just an assistant but the driving force. Explore practical examples of AI-driven tools that empower application developers to build more efficiently and innovatively. Discover how OutSystems helps IT enterprises create the next generation of applications, infused with generative AI, designed to collaborate with human ingenuity in performing complex tasks at unprecedented speeds, thereby unlocking new levels of productivity and innovation.
Facilitated by:
Session 3: June 20, 2024, Freshworks - "Transformational Impact with Freddy AI"

Date: June 20, 2024     |     Time: 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM

The Freshworks team will discuss themes impacting higher education and discuss how AI tools assist students/faculty/staff in delivering high-quality outcomes.  During this webinar, you will get an understanding of Freshwork's AI vision for Higher Education, a demo of current AI features and functionality, as well as an overview of what's coming soon for Freshworks AI.

Facilitated by:

Watch recording of freshworks SESSION

Session 2: May 23, 2024, Salesforce - "AI Innovations for the Future"

Date: May 23, 2024     |     Time: 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM

You are invited to hear Salesforce executives discuss how generative AI can support student service and student success.
The Salesforce team will discuss how they use AI to find and reach out to the students best suited for our educational programs.
They'll also share how higher education leaders they work with are leaning into this pivotal moment to unlock greater staff efficiencies and institutional growth

Facilitated by:


Session 1: March 8, 2024 - Microsoft, "Integrating Generative AI into Higher Ed: Insights from Early Adopters"

Date: March 8, 2024    |    Time: 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm

A hot topic for nearly every institution in higher education is generative AI - and for good reason. It’s already disrupting established academic norms and changing the day-to-day experience for students, faculty, and staff. In this session, we explore two examples of generative AI adoption in higher education and provide an overview of Microsoft AI approach and its offerings. 

Facilitated By:

Rafa Salas- Senior Azure Data & AI Specialist at Microsoft