First Time Flashline Login
First Time Flashline Login
If you are a new student, faculty or staff member trying to log into FlashLine for first time, you must complete this one-time setup to receive access to campus resources, such as the Kent State Wireless network and VPN. You will need to use your Kent State email address and the default password. Your Kent State email address should be on your acceptance or hire letter. You will also need to configure Multi-Factor Authentication. Please have your cell phone ready to configure MFA with either SMS or the app.
Default Formula
The formula for the default password is mmmyyxxxxx (all lower case), where:
mmm = first three letters of the birth month
yy = last two digits of the birth year
xxxxx = last five digits of your Kent State ID Number
Where is my Kent State ID Number
New Students: If you need assistance locating your Kent State ID Number it can be located on your acceptance letter or you can call the Admissions Office at 800-988-KENT (5368).
Staff and Faculty: If you need assistance locating your Kent State ID Number it can be located on your hire letter or you can contact the Registrar’s Office at 330-672-3131.
Login Steps
Step 1. Please go to and click the Sign In button
Step 2. Enter the Kent State email address that was provided in your acceptance or hire letter and the default password and click "Login".
Step 3. Enter the default password. The configuration is displayed above in this article
Update Your Password
Step 4. Set your password (Need help with Password Requirements? CLICK HERE). and click Sign in.
The current password is the default password.
MFA Setup
Step 5. Once you have clicked Submit, you will be directed to a setup page to configure Multi-Factor Authentication. Please CLICK HERE for step-by-step instructions on setting up your MFA.
Once you've completed MFA setup, you will be able to log into FlashLine, email and all other services at Kent State University. If you are still unable to log in and change your password, please call the Helpdesk at 1-330-672-4357 so we can provide you with a password reset. Please have your acceptance or hire letter when you call.