Unauthorized (rogue) Wireless Access Points and Routers
University Policy 3342-9-01.1 prohibits the deliberate degradation of the performance of network resources or access.
The operation of unauthorized 802.11(A, B, or G) wireless access points or routers in buildings with university provided wireless networking causes radio frequency (RF) interference with the university wireless devices. This RF interference degrades and/or inhibits the use of the university wireless network by students, faculty, staff, and other authorized personnel. In order to maintain the highest level of wireless services, particularly in academic buildings where class delivery depends on the optimal operation of the university wireless network, all unauthorized (rogue) wireless devices that are interfering with the university wireless network must be disabled.
To authorize the operation of 802.11 wireless devices in areas with university provided 802.11 wireless, a request must be submitted to Information Services for evaluation and approval. When an unauthorized rogue wireless AP is detected by the university wireless network, the following procedure will be followed:
1. Information Services staff will open an Incident ticket.
2. The rogue AP will be located and its description and owner recorded in the ticket.
3. The owner of the rogue AP will be instructed on how to migrate services from the rogue AP to the university wireless network.
4. The owner of the rogue AP will have 7 days to comply, unless it is interfering with class delivery, in which case it must be removed immediately.
5. If the rogue AP is still operational after 7 days, the wireless network will disable its radio, and the wired network will block all traffic to and from the rogue AP, and the owner will be notified.
6. If the rogue AP is not immediately removed, the university will physically remove it.
7. If removed by the university, the owner will be notified and instructed on the procedure to reclaim the device.
This page is maintained by the Office of Security and Access Management
Email: security@kent.edu
Phone: 330-672-5566