Okay, I have a purchase order. Now what?

The purchase order will be sent directly to the vendor per the distribution method in that vendor's profile. Your vendor may or may not send an order acknowledgement. It’s usually a good idea to call and request one from your vendor to ensure the order was properly received. From there, you will receive your good or service, followed up with a subsequent invoice. The invoice should be an exact match of the purchase order. If it is not, follow up with Procurement for a change order (if approved). If it matches, the authorized signature person should write “ok to pay”, with a date and PO number, along with their signature on that invoice. Then send the invoice to Accounts Payable for processing. Attach a copy of the purchase order for backup.

Every established vendor in FlashCart has a preferred order transmission method, such as email or e-fax, which is automatically appended to their profile.

Contact Procurement for further discussion!