How to Add a New Program Requirement Table

Note: You will need to add a new program requirement table when establishing a new program or when revising a major to include a new concentration.

  1. Go to the Program Requirements section of the program form.
  2. Place cursor in page body where the program requirement table is to be placed.
  3. Click Insert/Edit Formatted Table icon in the tool bar.
  4. Select Course List from the drop-down menu, click OK.
  5. The Course List Picker box will appear. Select courses to be added to the program requirements by selecting courses from the course inventory box or by using the quick add function (see how to add courses).
  6. Once the courses have been selected, click on the “sum hours” check box. The sum hours will automatically sum the credit hours that are added to the program requirements.
  7. Click on OK to view the program requirements on the program form.