Policies Under Review and Revision

All academic policies are to undergo a five-year review. The Undergraduate Policies Council and the Graduate Policies Council are charged with setting and maintaining a timeline for review of current academic policies and procedures. The two councils develop and provide oversight of a review team for the policies.

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Proposed policy revisions will be part of the formal university approval process, including approval by the Educational Policies Council and Faculty Senate. However, to be sure it is fully inclusive and transparent, each policy under revision will include a 30-day feedback period, initiated when the first draft of the policy becomes available. During this time the Kent State community is invited to ask questions, provide comments or present suggestions for these policy revisions before they are submitted for approval.

Policies Under Revision for Academic Year 2024-25

Policy Name: Dissertation for the Doctoral Degree (KSU login required)
What has changed: Revised policy includes the Ed.D. degree in programs requiring a dissertation; decreases dissertation committee membership from minimum four to three members; and requires student’s advisor to have full graduate faculty status in their college and be in the student’s program area.
Scope: Doctoral students seeking a Ph.D. or Ed.D. degree
Feedback period: From 29 August 2024 until 27 September 2024 (11:59 p.m.)
Provide feedback: Link to feedback form

Policy Name: Flexibly Scheduled Course Sections (KSU login required)
What has changed: Policy will be inactivated; instead, the information will become a definition in the Glossary of Academic Terms.
Scope: Undergraduate and graduate courses
Feedback period: From 29 August 2024 until 27 September 2024 (11:59 p.m.)
Provide feedback: Link to feedback form

Policy Name: Graduation Planning System (GPS) (KSU login required)
What has changed: Policy language is updated reflected the connection of the audit to the catalog year in force and its use for graduation clearance. In addition, the policy will be added as a link to the Graduation policy to connect the two.
Scope: All students
Feedback period: From 29 August 2024 until 27 September 2024 (11:59 p.m.)
Provide feedback: Link to feedback form

Policy Name: Not Permitted to Continuenew name Program Progression Requirements (KSU login required)
What has changed: Revised policy adds appeal information; removes the specific business process that were never implemented; and renames policy to “Program Progression Requirements – Undergraduate.”
Scope: Undergraduate students
Feedback period: From 29 August 2024 until 27 September 2024 (11:59 p.m.)
Provide feedback: Link to feedback form

Policy Name: Pass/Fail Gradenew name Credit/No Credit (KSU login required)
What has changed: Revised policy updates name to Credit/No Credit and removes restriction of maximum one course per semester.
Scope: Undergraduate courses
Feedback period: From 29 August 2024 until 27 September 2024 (11:59 p.m.)
Provide feedback: Link to feedback form

Policy Name: Residence Requirement (KSU login required)
What has changed: Revised policy adds a residence restriction for graduate certificates and minors. This restriction was previously only in the graduate transfer policy.
Scope: Graduate students
Feedback period: From 29 August 2024 until 27 September 2024 (11:59 p.m.)
Provide feedback: Link to feedback form

Policy Name: Time Limits for Graduate Degrees (KSU login required)
What has changed: Revised policy includes all graduate programs; removes time limits for passing candidacy and oral examinations; removes requirement that transfer coursework must be earned within six years; increases limit for post-master’s doctoral students, from nine to 10 years, to align with post-master’s doctoral students; clarifies the process that must be completed for an extension to be granted, as well as the actions that will occur when a student is denied an exception; and removes requirement that the application for an extension beyond a year include “evidence that the degree candidate is current in his/her field of study.”
Scope: Graduate students
Feedback period: From 29 August 2024 until 27 September 2024 (11:59 p.m.)
Provide feedback: Link to feedback form

Policy name: Dual Degrees and Double Majors
What has changed: Revised policy adds two degrees to the list of programs that cannot be taken in conjunction with or subsequent to another degree program; and adds additional resources and FAQ. View approved proposal (KSU login required).
Scope: Undergraduate and graduate students

Policy name: Transcripts
What has changed: Revised policy reflects current practices. View approved proposal (KSU login required).
Scope: Undergraduate and graduate students

Policy name: Midterm Evaluation
What has changed: Revised policy includes more explanation to help students understand the meaning and purpose of midterm evaluations. In addition, recommendations have been made to improve several business practices (not policy) surrounding midterm evaluations, including open midterm grading to all undergraduate courses and to develop better communication to students surround midterm evaluations. View approved proposal (KSU login required).
Scope: Students enrolled in lower-division undergraduate courses (00000, 10000, 20000 levels)

Policy name: Transfer of Graduate Credit
What has changed: Revised policy includes (1) elimination of Kent State courses under the definition of "transfer" (2) removal of 50% transfer credit for certificates/minors, which will be moved to the Residence Policy (3) clarification on how transfer credit counts toward overall hours, GPA, etc.; and (4) clarification on KSU students taking courses at other institutions. View approved proposal (KSU login required).
Scope: Graduate students