How to Establish a New Certificate, Dual-Degree, Minor or Non-Degree Program

  1. Go to the Program Management site.
  2. Click on Propose New Program button . The program form will appear in a separate window.
  3. Select the type of program you wish to establish from the Program Type drop down.
  4. Complete the form by filling in the required information that is outlined in red.
    1. The program form is made of the following sections:
      1. Basic Program Information
      2. Delivery/location
      3. CIP Code (does not display for minors)
      4. Proposal Summary
      5. Catalog Copy (see pages X for directions on creating program requirements)
  5. Attach any appropriate Ohio Department of Higher Education and/or Higher Learning Commission paperwork. For specific documentation, please contact the Office of Curriculum Services or fill out the Curricular Request Form.
  6. After completing the form, you can either click on:
    1. Cancel to not save any changes and return to previous screen
    2. Save Changes to save any changes that have been made and come back to the form at a later time. Clicking Save Changes does not submit the proposal to the approval process and will allow you to save without filling out all the required fields.
    3. Save and Start Workflow to save and submit all changes for approval. All required fields must be filled out before you can submit the proposal for approval.