Reviewing a Course Proposal

  1. Date Submitted: The date that the proposal was submitted by the initiator.
  2. Viewing: Course Code and title that has been selected.
  3. Last approved/last edited: The date that the proposal was last approved/last edited.
  4. Changes proposed by: The name of the initiator who submitted the change.
  5. Ecosystem: The CIM Ecosystem shows courses, programs and catalog pages that are related to the proposal being viewed, and catalog pages that house the program being reviewed.
    • Catalog Pages referencing this course: These pages will generally be course description pages, department pages that have course lists, or any time a course in mentioned in the catalog outside of CIM.
    • Programs referencing this course: These are CIM programs that reference this course in some way, usually in the program description and program requirements.
    • Other Courses referencing this course: These are courses that name the course being viewed in some way; it may include prerequisites, corequisites or catalog description.
    • Catalog Pages referencing this program: These are the pages where the CIM Program Proposal resides in the catalog.
  6. Reviewer Comments: Comments will appear here when a reviewer or approver leaves a comment on the proposal.
  7. Add Comment: Click to leave a comment on the proposal.
  8. In Workflow: Approval flow for this proposal.
  9. Approval Path: Dates and time when an action was taken on a proposal.