Flashes take care of Flashes

Kent State Trumbull's Honors students collaborated with Trumbull Satellite, a student-run multimedia digital magazine, to collect and deliver dry goods, canned foods and personal items to the campus Care Closet and Food Pantry.
Aside from taking on the challenge of rigorous coursework, Honors students are encouraged to find ways to make a positive difference in the lives of those around them. In this case, they chose fellow students who may be struggling with food insecurity.

"When I first visited the Care Closet and Food Pantry, I was amazed by all of the items available to students in need," Marissa Baker, a junior in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program, said. "It's great that my campus has a place like this to help fellow students."
Trumbull's Undergraduate Student Government operates the Care Closet and Food Pantry, providing students with food, personal items, clothing and much more.
"It's overwhelming," said Nancy Barker, senior advisor and Student Life coordinator. "Many of our students are working, going to school and taking care of their families, and the pantry provides them with some relief to focus on their studies."
Faculty, staff and students provided the donations in early December. In return, donors' names were entered into a raffle for two $20 gift certificates to the Eastwood Mall and two Kent State t-shirts donated by Student Activities.
Honors students will continue their community service work next year through the campus's Book Buddies partnership with the Warren Public Library. With this project, students volunteer to read to elementary school students and facilitate reading-related games to help children become better readers.
Earlier this year, the Honors students presented blankets to Rock4Reason, a non-profit agency for local Hope Centers in Warren and Boardman. The blankets are used to help cancer patients stay warm while undergoing treatment.
For more information, or to donate to Kent State Trumbull's Care Closet, visit www.kent.edu/trumbull/care-closet.


Pictured, left to right, Bachelor of Science in Nursing students Hailey Osika, Kaitlin Webb, and Marissa Baker, and Ana Wetzl, Ph.D., associate professor, English and Honors coordinator. 


POSTED: Thursday, December 14, 2023 02:13 PM
Updated: Thursday, December 14, 2023 02:27 PM