Word Form Tutorial

Word Form Tutorial with Practice Sentences 

Some words have more than one form for the same part of speech. For example, bored and boring are both adjectives, but their meaning is different. “The student is bored” indicates that something outside the student is causing boredom (such as a classroom lecture). “The student is boring” indicates that the student herself is causing boredom (possibly by talking for too long). In general, the past participle form is used to indicate an outside cause, and the present participle is used to indicate an internal cause. 

Other differences in word form are non-rule-based and must be acquired by paying attention when listening or reading. For example, discriminating may be considered positive, as in the ability to make wise choices, whereas discriminatory is certainly negative, indicating prejudice. 

Be aware that although words may share the same root and even the same part of speech, word meaning changes when form changes. Use an ESL dictionary (such as Longman Advanced Dictionary) to determine the differences in meaning in these words. Study the following: 


Even though each pair of words is the same part of speech, their meanings can differ. Use a dictionary to understand the differences in meaning. Look up each word and write a definition for each in your own words.

interesting (adjective) 

interested (adjective) 


friend (noun) 

friendship (noun) 


automotive (adjective) 

automatic (adjective) 


confusing (adjective)  

confused (adjective) 


systemic (adjective) 

systematic (adjective) 



Alma feels boring when she listens to long lectures. 

Gregorio is concerning about global warming. 

The senators attacked each other's characteristic during their political campaigns. 

Yesterday, it was hot; today, it is cold. The weather has been various

This class is comparative to the class you are taking at City College. 



Source: Linville, Cynthia. “Editing Line by Line.” ESL Writers: A Guide for Writing Center Tutors. 2nd ed. Eds. Shanti Bruce and Ben Raforth. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook, 2009. 116-131. Print