
PT Faculty, NYC Fashion - New York City Fashion


PT Faculty - School of Fashion

May 4, 50th Commemoration

This online social media project will recreate the 1969 – 1970 school year at Kent State University through the voices of Chic Canfora, Tim Moore, Jerry Lewis, Tom Grace, and Laura Davis. Each memory, from the mundane to the profound, will help paint a more personalized picture of the issues the divided campus and the events that brought everyone together. This program is similar to print versions of “look-backs” in history. Currently, the goal is to have at least three posts a week continuing to May 2020.

PT Faculty - New York City Fashion

PT Faculty - New York City Fashion


PT Faculty - School of Fashion

Faculty Emerita - Ambassador Crawford College of Business and Entrepreneurship

Faculty Emerita - Ambassador Crawford College of Business and Entrepreneurship


Professor Emeritus - Ambassador Crawford College of Business and Entrepreneurship


Professor Emeritus - Ambassador Crawford College of Business and Entrepreneurship