Library Resources

Types of resources





  • Primary: parallel texts:
  • Secondary: analysis, studies, descriptions of text types, layman versions
  • Tertiary material: (encyclopedias, dictionaries)

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    Where to find it.

    Connecting to Library homepage:

    • Kentlink
    • Ohio Link
    • Worldcat. This is the library of Congress catalog and will give you the complete holdings in the United States. For a list of library of congress subjects, consult the print index in reference, or for a summary, go toList of Subjects
    • Databases: the library arranges databases by subject. If you want to find data bases in specialized areas, go to the specific subject and you will find a list of what is available, for instance, Lexis Nexis Universe under "law" and Access Science under "Science."
    • Arts & Humanities Data bases ( the Art and Humanities Citation Index, MLA
    • Reference Works: First Floor, near reference desk. Dictionaries are not placed together. General language dictionaries are grouped, specialized dictionaries are grouped by specialty. Kent Link does not accurately reflect what we have in the library, especially with foreign titles.
    • Journals
    • List of Titles by Academic Department


    • Print and Online Journals
    • Interlibrary Loan


    • Reference librarians (for Information sources, handbooks, etc)


    • Periodicals current: 2d floor, PIAS older journals and periodicals: 2d floor bibliographies: 3d floor. Note: the library holdings are changing location.
    • Where to find Book reviews:
      Book Review Index,
      Periodical Abstracts
      Arts and Humanities Citation Index
      Arts and Humanities Index
      Humanities Index
      Index to Book Reviews in the Humanities
      Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory (REF Z 6941.U5), list of periodicals or magazines currently published, arranged by subject area
      To locate book reviews in specialized areas, consult library guide #4 Locating Book Reviews>
    • Searches
      -title, subject, author, key words
      -Boolean terms: AND, OR, NOT, +, W, etc

      Using the net.

      -Search engines: This site gives you access to previous versions of web sites or closed websites
      - google. Google's advanced search function allows you to select specific phrases or words and search in specific languages. Some tips when using Google:
      -use phrase searches using default Boolean AND or Boolean OR (any of the key words) or for one term along with one of several terms, use parenthesis as in: TRANSLATION (THEORY OR PEDAGOGY)
      -to exclude a term, use the -(minus) symbol right before the term (no space) as in translation -theory.
      -if you want to force Google to take into account a word that is usually ignored (like a, an, the), use a + (plus) sign right before the word as in +the translator.
      -use the * (asterix) symbol to add a full-word wildcard, in as in "appropriation of * results"
      -for special syntax, use "Advanced search" features such as in title, place in page, date, language, etc.
      -Use "define:" to find definitions of terms in several languages.
      -to find specialized terms, try:, (for medical terms), legal words or definitions).
      -to find an abbreviation or an acronym, use the term with "stands for," as in "NIH stands for".

      - list of online dictionaries in all languages).
      -Eurodicautom. The European community database provides contexts and fields.
      - Example of specialized glossary from the EU
      - Offers a collection of English dictionaries and other reference works
      -Central Electronic Dictionary list from Switzerland. This site provides lists of dictionaries in French, English, Spanish, German, Japanese, Arabic, Russian, Bulgarian, etc.


      Additional tips on ways to do research in a field you don't know

    • Find the best reference guide on resources in that field. Example: C.D. Hurt, Information Sources in Science and Technology. 1998.
    • If you know what universities have excellent programs in specific fields, go to their libraries online and check to see if they have research guides and resources. Examples: Wharton school for business, Georgetown for International law, MIT for science, Yale for French, KSU for translation.
    • Examples of useful sites for various fields:
    • -Business: Wharton School Lippincott business library
    • -Law: This is a great site with excellent research guides.
      legal research for non lawyers:Duke University Law Library Research guides
      International law: Harvard law library guide
    • -Medical: Kent State IAL Commercial and Medical resources for the translator
    • -Sciences and technology:MIT science resources Be sure to check the subject guides, course pages, sciences, government, technical reports. Also check their Zotero guide for citation management