Listening Tour Canton

Presidential Listening Tour

What do you do when you discover something amazing? If you are like me, you probably want to share it. A great many people, count me among them, think that Kent State University is amazing – and want to share that belief, from the heart.

But what is “the heart of Kent State?” Is it the university’s world-renowned programs and faculty? Is it our students – the best and brightest from across Ohio, the U.S. and the world? Maybe it’s that all of these
 programs and people have come together in one exceptional university.

As Kent State’s president, I am turning to you to help answer the questions: What makes Kent State unique? And how can we share our unique story with the world? Your insights will help shape the university’s strategic plan.

I invite you to join me in exploring the heart of Kent State and sharing your Kent State experiences and stories with me during my 2014 Presidential Listening Tour.

Beverly Warren, Ed.D., Ph.D.
President, Kent State University