Quickbites - compliments of WWHS - August 21, 2013

Good Afternoon,

In this issue of Quickbites the focus is all on food. We have smart strategies for handling an expense-account meal, as well as, great meal and drink recipes that are perfect for end-of-summer enjoyment.

In Ace the Business Lunch you’ll find three terrific tricks that will help you choose what to eat and drink (and how to stay on Plan) even when you’re wining and dining clients.

Eating in? We’ve got that covered too. In our article, Build a Smarter Salad, you’ll get ideas that will help you make seasonal salads that are full of flavor, without all those Plan-busting toppings. Then, in 3 Summer Veggie Sides, we put a fresh spin on a cold soup, potato salad, and a side dish that will please your palate without piling on the pounds

And though summer parties often include a cocktail or two, sometimes a cool, refreshing non-alcoholic “mocktail” is even more tempting on a hot day. Check out our recipe for Frozen Watermelon Virgin Mojitos, (with a PointsPlus® value per serving of 2) and see if you don’t agree.

Enjoy the issue.

Jodie Amell
Corporate Account Manager

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