Student Nurses Association

The Student Nurses Association at Kent State East Liverpool is a nonprofit organization that strives to build the student nurses’ character and professionalism.

In doing so, we help our fellow student nurses, our community and many other organizations within the community. SNA members volunteer and dedicate their time, knowledge and skills to better the nursing program and the East Liverpool campus, the community in which we live and surrounding areas, as well as to encourage others to do the same.

Student Nurses Association

The new SNA officers for 2023-2024.


Class Officers 2023-2024
Riley Grisez(President)
Leah Springer (Vice President)
Kayla Bayless (Secretary)
Delainey Mellott (Treasurer)
SNA Advisor - Angela Douglass 


Photo: The new officers for 2023-2024 are: Kayla Bayless - Sec. (white dress), SNA Advisor Professor Angela Douglass, Riley Grisez - Pres. (pink floral dress), Leah Springer - VP (dark floral dress), Delainey Mellott - Treas. (not in photos)



SNA Chestnut Hill Candle Sale

Purchase your Chestnut Hill candle from any SNA member, ADN student or Marcie Van Fosson by Friday, April 5, 2024. 


Angel Tree Project

The Kent State East Liverpool Nursing Students Support Angel Tree Project tradition

The Kent State Nursing Students Support Angel Tree Project tradition continued this year as the student nurses association on the East Liverpool Campus teamed up with the Salvation Army with students, faculty and staff purchasing requested items for 50 local children. This partnership with the East Liverpool Salvation Army has continued for over 20 years and the spirit of giving is evident each year. Making the delivery to the Salvation Army were SNA officers and advisor, from left, President Riley Grisez (seated); second row, Kayla Bayless, secretary: Leah Springer, vice president; Angela Douglass, faculty advisor; and Delainey Mellott, treasurer.  Published in The Review

Pepperoni Roll Sale

SNA is holding a homemade Pepperoni Roll Sale (Mary's Pizza, Lisbon, OH) $6. each and ALL PROCEEDS GO BACK TO THE ADN PROGRAM!

Checks or Cash accepted.

Order forms and money due August 30 for 1st level and Sept. 1 for 2nd level.