Yesim Kaptan
Yesim Kaptan's research combines a deep knowledge of media, society and culture (particularly Middle Eastern and Turkish media) and the analytical perspectives of contemporary global media studies and media ethnography. She brings a comparative perspective to issues of diversity, difference and hybridity in communication studies. What unites her research is a close attention to the mediation of global-local nexus in everyday life and the role of global media industries for construction of mediated identities. Yesim also conducts research on how global identifications subvert hegemonic discourses on nationalism, globalization and national-cultural belonging and how communication technologies and media forge "hyphenated" identities regarding cross-cultural production and reception of global media products. She teaches a wide range of courses including Communication in a Global Society, Communication Theory, Intercultural Communication, Advertising and Consumer Culture, Research Methods and Global Consumerism and Identities.
Scholarly, Creative & Professional Activities
- Algan, E., & Kaptan, Y. (Forthcoming June 2023). Introduction: Global Audiences and Fans of Turkish TV Dramas. Special Issue: Transnational Turkish Television Production and Consumption. International Communication Gazette, 85(3).
- Algan, E., & Kaptan, Y. (Forthcoming June 2023). Introduction: Cultural Politics and Production Practices of the Turkish TV Industry. Special Issue: Transnational Turkish Television Production and Consumption. International Communication Gazette, 85(4).
- Algan, E., & Kaptan, Y. (2023). Content is Power: Cultural Engineering and Political Control over Transnational Television. International Communication Gazette, Online First. https://doi.org/10.1177/17480485231152879
- Vitrinel, E., Kaptan, Y. & Algan, E. (2023). Introduction: Capturing the New Dynamics of Turkish Television Series: Disjunctions and Continuities, Series: International Journal of (2): 5-8. Winter Issue. href="https://series.unibo.it/article/view/16308/15689">https://series.unibo.it/article/view/16308/15689/
- Kaptan, Y. (2021). “Down-to-Earth TV Dramas”: The Reception of Authenticity, Reality and Modality in Danish TV Dramas. Critical Studies in Television: The International Journal of Television Studies.16(4): 375-393. https://doi.org/10.1177/17496020211046333/
- Kaptan, Y., & Kraidy, M.M. (2021). Depoliticizing Politics: Egypt’s Media Boycotts in the Turkish Media. Communication, Culture and Critique. 14(3): 405-421. https://doi.org/10.1093/ccc/tcab002
- Algan, E., & Kaptan, Y. (2021). Turkey’s TV celebrities as cultural envoys: The role of celebrity diplomacy in nation branding and the pursuit of soft power. Popular Communication: The International Journal of Media and Culture. 19(3): 222-234. https://doi.org/10.1080/15405702.2021.1913494
- Kaptan, Y. (2020). Authoritarian Populism and the Discourse of “the People” in the Turkish Islamist Media: The Case of Yeni Şafak. International Journal of Communication, 14, 19: 3986-4002. https://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/view/14004
- Kaptan, Y. (2019). At the Nexus between the National and the Global: The Discursive Construction of the Turkish Halal Market in the Neoliberal Age. Markets, Globalization & Development Review. 4(1): 1-24. doi: 10.23860/MGDR-2019-04-01-05 https://digitalcommons.uri.edu/mgdr/vol4/iss1/5
- Kaptan, Y. (2018). Multiple Proximities and National Identities: Turkish Audiences’ Perception of Advertising Adaptations. Popular Communication: The International Journal of Media and Culture, 17(1): 18-34. doi: 10.1080/15405702.2018.1497800
- Kaptan, Y. (2016) “Laugh and Resist: Humor and Satire Use in the Gezi Resistance Movement”, Perspectives on Global Development and Technology, Vol. 15: 567-587.
- Kaptan, Y. (2016) “Marking Differences, Consuming Identities: United Condoms of Benetton Campaign and “Global Turkishness.” Journal of Consumer Culture, July 2016, 16 (2): 447-466.
- Kaptan, Y. “Reklamcılık Çalışmalaında Medya Ethnografisinin Önemi: Çok Alanlı Etnografiler” (In Turkish), (Media Ethnography Matters in Advertising Studies: Multi-sited Ethnographies), Selçuk Journal of Communication, 9(3): 162-177.
- Kaptan, Y., (2015) “Küresellik Ve Yerellik Arasında Reklam Adaptasyonları: Snickers Örneği” (In Turkish) (Advertising Adaptations betwixt and between locality and globalization: Case of Snickers), Ankara University’s Journal: İLEF, Spring, 2(2): 11-36.
- Kaptan, Y., & Karanfil, G. (2013) “RTU(®)K, Broadcasting, and the Middle East: Regulating the Transnational.” International Journal of Communication, 7: 2232-2340.
- Karanfil, G., & Kaptan, Y. (2013) “Turkey, the Middle East & the Media Special Section: Editorial Introduction.” International Journal of Communication, 7: 2419-23. Retrieved from http://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/view/2449/1010
- Kaptan, Y. (2013) “We just know!: Tacit Knowledge and Knowledge Production in the Turkish Advertising Industry.” Journal of Consumer Culture, 13 (3): 264-282.
- Kaptan, Y. (2013) “Proximity or Difference: Media Representation of Turkish Melodramas in the Middle East and Balkans.” Global Media Journal: Mediterranean Edition, Fall, 8 (2): 1-10.
- Kaptan, Y. (2013) “A Conceptual Perspective to Media: Cultural Globalization, Clash of Civilizations, or Hegemony.” Global Media Journal: Turkish Edition. Fall 2013, Vol 3 (7): 118-134.
- Kaptan, Y. (2013) “3 in 1: Construction of Starbucks Cafes as a Hybrid Space” (Üçü bir arada: Melez bir Mekanın Kuruluşu ve Starbucks Üzerine Gözlemler), Kİ: Kültür ve İletişim (The Journal of Culture and Communication, in Turkish), Summer 2013, 16(2): 73-96.
- Kaptan Y. (2012) “Who can change the world? Resistance as Communication and METU Advertisements.” Global Media Journal: Mediterranean Edition 8 (1): 44-51. Retrieved from http://globalmedia.emu.edu.tr/images/stories/ALL_ARTICLES/2012/Fall/5._Yesim_Kaptan.pdf
- Ogan, C., F. Cicek and Y. Kaptan (2008) “Reverse Glocalization? Marketing a Turkish Cola in the Shadow of a Giant.” The Journal of Arab & Muslim Media Research, 1 (1): 47-62.
- Kaptan, Y. (2006) “For the Sake of the Folk or the Ideology of the State: Folklore Studies in the People’s Houses in the Early Years of Modern Turkey.” The Folklore Historian, Vol.23: 19- 44.
- Kaptan, Y. (2000) “Bizim Nasreddin.” (Our Nasreddin) Halkbilim, 12 (1): 52-63. Ankara: Middle East Technical University. (A Refereed Folklore Journal in Turkish).
Kaptan, Y. & Tutucu, M. (2021, Invited chapter). The Rise of K-dramas in the Middle East: Cultural Proximity and Soft Power. In Y. Kim (Ed.), The Soft Power of the Korean Wave: Parasite, BTS and Drama, London, UK and New York, NY: Routledge.
Kaptan, Y. & Algan, E. (2020). Introduction: Turkey’s National Television in Transnational Context. In Y. Kaptan, & E. Algan (Eds.), Television in Turkey: Local Production, Transnational Expansion and Political Aspirations (pp. 1-24). London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
Kaptan, Y. (2020, Invited chapter,). Sensing authenticity, seeing aura: Turkish audiences’ reception of Danish dramas. In P. M. Jensen, & U. C. Jacobsen (Eds.), The Global Audiences of Danish Television Drama (pp. 91-106). Gothenburg: Nordicom.
Eichner, S., Kaptan, Y., Prommer, E., & Yurtaeva-Martens, Y. (Invited chapter, 2019). New media and audience behavior. In K. Arnold, P. Preston, & S. Kinnebrock (Eds.), The Handbook of European Communication History (pp. 385-402). Malden, MA and Oxford, UK: Wiley Blackwell. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/9781119161783.ch21
Kaptan, Y. & Tutucu, M. (2019). The East meets the Middle East: Cultural Proximity, Audience Reception and Korean TV Adaptations on Turkish Televisions. In J. Park & A.G. Lee (eds.), The rise of K-dramas: Essays on Korean television and its global consumption (pp. 193-216). Jefferson, NC: McFarland and Company.
Kaptan, Y. (2019, Invited chapter). Global Communication and Culture. In Y. Kamalipour (ed.), Global Communication: A Multicultural Perspective, 3rd Edition (pp. 344-370). Lahman, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
Kaptan, Y. (2018, Invited chapter). Crime Drama Between Fidelity and Cultural Specificity: Audiences’ Reception of Cinayet, the Turkish Remake of Forbrydelsen. In S. Peacock, S. Turnbull and K.T. Hansen (eds.), European Television Crime Drama and Beyond (pp. 193-210). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Ogan, C. & Kaptan, Y. (2018). Was That Tear Gas or Just Me Laughing Until I Cried: Humor and Satire Use in the Gezi Resistance Movement. In J. Dee (ed.), From Tahrir Square to Ferguson: Social Networks as Facilitators of Social Movements (pp. 103-130). Bern: Peter Lang. https://www.peterlang.com/view/title/22844
Kaptan, Y. (2017). Media, Culture and Society. In J. D. Ponder (ed.), Foundations of Communication (pp 255-264). Southlake, TX: Fountainhead Press.
Kaptan, Y. and Oksuz, B. (2014) “Articulating locality in advertising adaptation: The Snickers case.” In P. Kitchen and E. Uzunoglu (Eds.), Integrated Communications in the Post-Modern Era. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp.195-211.
Kaptan, Y. & Algan, E. (Eds.). (2020). Television in Turkey: Local Production, Transnational Expansion and Political Aspirations. London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. https://www.palgrave.com/gp/book/9783030460501#reviews
M.A., Indiana University
M.S., Middle East Technical University
B.S., Middle East Technical University
- The International Association for Communication and Research (IAMCR)
- Middle East Studies Association (MESA)
- Indiana University Alumni Association
- International Communication Association (ICA)
- National Communication Association (NCA)
- American Folklore Society (AFS)
- Middle East Technical University Alumni Association and METU Turkish Folklore Club Alumni Organization