Abdul Shakoor
Earth Sciences
Professor Emeritus
Contact Information
Engineering Geology is applied geologic work that is relevant to the planning, design, construction, operation, and maintenance of engineering structures as well as to the development, protection, and remediation of groundwater and surface water resources. At Kent State University, the focus of the Engineering Geology program is on studies related to the engineering behavior of soils and rocks, slope stability, water resources development projects, evaluation of construction materials, and engineering applications of waste materials. The research in these areas is diverse, inter-disciplinary, and collaborative in nature.
Ph.D. Engineering Geology, Purdue University 1982
M.S. Engineering Geology, Purdue University 1978
M.S. Engineering Geology, University of Leeds 1968
M.S. Geology, Punjab University 1964
B.S. Geology, Punjab University 1963
M.S. Engineering Geology, Purdue University 1978
M.S. Engineering Geology, University of Leeds 1968
M.S. Geology, Punjab University 1964
B.S. Geology, Punjab University 1963
Rock Mechanics
Slope Stability
Soil Mechanics
Engineering Geology
Slope Stability
Soil Mechanics
Engineering Geology
- Yeakley, J.A., Shakoor, A., and Johnson, W., 2019, Influence of salt tectonics on fault displacements and submarine slope failures from Algeria to Sardinia: Environ. & Eng. Geosci., v. XXV, no. 4, pp. 318-330
- Wells, N.W. and Shakoor, A., 2019, Are three to ten tests enough to characterize a rock property: Environ. & Eng. Geosci., v. XXV, no. 3, pp. 223-244
- Poluga, S.L., Shakoor, A., and Bilderback, E.L., 2018, Rock mass characterization and stability evaluation of Mount Rushmore National Memorial, Keystone, South Dakota: Environ. & Eng. Geosci., v. XXIV, no. 4, pp. 385-412
- Poluga, S.L. and Shakoor, A., 2018, Rock mass characterization of Mount Rushmore National Memorial, Keystone, South Dakota: in Shakoor, A. and Cato, K., eds., IAEG/AEG Annual Meeting Proceedings, San Francisco, California, Volume 1, Slope Stability: Case
- Jacklitch, C. and Shakoor, A., 2018, Factors contributing to rockfall occurrence and the associated risk in Rockville, Utah: in Shakoor, A. and Cato, K., eds., IAEG/AEG Annual Meeting Proceedings, San Francisco, California, Volume 1, Slope Stability: Case
- Korte, D. and Shakoor, A., 2018, landslide susceptibility and soil loss estimations impacting streams in the Drift Creek Watersheds (Siletz), Lincoln County, Oregon: in Shakoor, A. and Cato, K., eds., IAEG/AEG Annual Meeting Proceedings, San Francisco, Ca
- Chapella, H., Haneberg, W., Crawford, M., and, Shakoor, A., 2018, Landslide inventory and susceptibility models, Prestonsburg 7.5-Minute Quadrangle, Kentucky, USA: in Shakoor, A. and Cato, K., eds., IAEG/AEG Annual Meeting Proceedings, San Francisco,
- Delaney, R., Shakoor, A., and Watts, C.F., 2018, Comparing unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), terrestrial lidar, and Brunton compass methods for discontinuity data collection: in Shakoor, A. and Cato, K., eds., IAEG/AEG Annual Meeting Proceedings, San Francis
- Yeakley, J. Shakoor, A., and Johnson, W., 2018, Measuring fault displacements caused by salt tectonics using marine geophysical data: in Shakoor, A. and Cato, K., eds., IAEG/AEG Annual Meeting Proceedings, San Francisco, California, Volume 2, Geotechnical
- Shakoor, A., 2018, Atterberg Limits: in Bobrowski, P.T. and Marker, B., eds., Encyclopedia of Engineering Geology, Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series, Springer International Publishing AG, Switzerland, pp. 44-47
- 2017 The Schuster Medal Award
- 2017 Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award
- 2015 Honorary Member Award AEEG
- 2013 Karl and Ruth Terzaghi Outstanding Mentor Award AEEG
- 2013, 2011, 2006, 1993, 1987 Glenn W. Frank Outstanding Teaching Award, Department of Geology, Kent State University