Faculty & Staff Directory
The earth sciences faculty are a particularly active group in research and teaching.
All faculty are nationally known and many are international experts in their respective areas. Two are currently editors of international journals, several serve as members of journal editorial review boards, and all have published numerous articles in professional journals; many have also published books. More than half of the faculty have been nominated for, and/or received, various teaching excellence awards given both within the University and by outside organizations. Most of the faculty instruct graduate as well as undergraduate students.
- Chair: Joseph D. Ortiz
- Administrative Assistant: Kelly Thomasson
- Graduate Coordinator: David Singer
- Undergraduate Advisors: Carrie Schweitzer, Kuldeep Singh, Neil Wells
Assistant ProfessorBiogeochemistry, Sedimentary Geology, Soil Science330-672-7867
Professor, Director Summer Field CampStructural Geology, Field Geology, Volcanic Stratigraphy330-847-0571
ProfessorTectonics, Structural Geology, Precambrian Geology330-672-4094
Professor & ChairMarine Sedimentology, Marine Stratigraphy, Paleoclimate330-672-2225
ProfessorInvertebrate Paleontology, Paleobiogeography, Decapod Systematics & Evolution330-244-3303
Associate ProfessorEnvironmental Mineralogy, Geochemistry330-672-3006
Assistant ProfessorHydrogeology, Water Resources and Climate Change, Digital Rock Physics, Pore-Scale Fluid Dynamics330-672-4114
Professor and Dean of Honors CollegePaleolimnology, Micropaleontology, Holocene Climate Change330-672-8068
Associate Professor (NTT)023L Science and Nursing, Stark Campus330-244-3431
Assistant ProfessorOceanography, Biogeochemistry, Sedimentary Geology330-672-3473
Assistant ProfessorGeobiology, Paleoceanography, Environmental Magnetism, Biomagnetism
ProfessorSedimentology, Geomorphology, Vertebrate Taphonomy330-672-2951