How do I approve a payment or wire request form?

There are two methods of approval that are acceptable:

  1.  You may physically sign a hard copy of a payment or wire request form, scan it, and then attach it to your email submission, OR
  2. Initiators and approvers may indicate their approval within the body of the email chain that is sent to

If you choose to use the second method (approval via an email chain), you must use the format shown below. This format has been developed to ensure that the approvals meet audit standards and allow AP to efficiently review and process payments. Deviating from these standards will result in your request being returned to you, unpaid.

Click here to see an example of a correctly-formatted email approval chain.

Required email approval format:

  • Initiator's email. The body of this email must contain:

Vendor:     Name of Vendor (full legal name, not initials or nickname)

Banner ID:   Vendor ID as it appears in PaymentWorks and Banner

Invoice #:   Invoice number (or service date when no invoice.) If submitting a form with multiple invoices, list all invoice numbers.

Amount:      Total dollar amount of request (i.e., if multiple invoices are listed on the form, state the grand total, not each individual total.)

Initiator:   Name of the person sending the email (initiating the payment)

  • Approver 1's email. The body of this email must contain the same information shown in the Initiator's email (copy and paste it) PLUS the signoff from Approver 1:

Vendor :          Name of Vendor (full legal name, not initials or nickname)

Banner ID:      Vendor ID as it appears in PaymentWorks and Banner

Invoice #:        Invoice number (or service date when no invoice.) If submitting a form with multiple invoices, list all invoice numbers.

Amount:          Total dollar amount of request (i.e., if multiple invoices are listed on the form, state the grand total, not each individual total.)

Initiator:          Name of the Initiator

Approver 1:    Name and title

  • Subsequent approvers and Grants Accounting:

    • Copy and paste the body of the previous approver's email into the body of your email, adding additional approver lines (e.g., Approver 2, Approver 3, etc.)

    • All payment requests that are charged all or in part to indexes beginning with 4, C, or P must be approved by Grants Accounting (

The end result of the email method of approval will be that the submission that is sent to will have all of the approvers listed in the topmost email in the chain, and AP staff will be able to see each approver's email in the chain below.