Earth Sciences
- Burkey, Michael F. (2018). A Review Of Iron Sulfides And Oxides In Coal Mine Waste, Huff Run Watershed, Ohio. Advisor: David Singer.
- Schlaerth, Hannah L. (2018). Remote Sensing Of Water Quality Parameters Influencing Coral Reef Health, U.S. Virgin Islands. Advisor: Joseph Ortiz.
- Frederick, Hannah. (2017). Geochemical Evaluation of Weathering Processes and Metal Uptake by Vegetation in Coal Mine Spoil. Advisor: Elizabeth Herndon.
- Krivos, Heather. (2012). Testing the Potential Impact of Cultural Noise on Electrical Resistivity Imaging Data. Advisors: Donald Palmer, Daniel Holm.
- Resar, Nicholas. (2012). The Paleodiet of Ground Sloths using Microwear Analysis. Advisor: Jeremy Green.
- Wayman, Matthew. (2011). The Transfer of Volatiles within Interacting Magmas and its Effect on the Mingling Process. Advisor: Elizabeth Griffith.
- Jonell, Tara. (2010). The Eruptive History of Cenozoic St. George Volcanic Field, Southwest Utah. Advisor: David Hacker.
- Cope, Natalie. (2009). Reconstruction of a Paleoclimate Using Diffuse Spectral Reflectance. Advisor: Joseph Ortiz.
- Green, Robin. (2008). Ostracodes, Microenvironments, and Changing Hydrology in a Fen Wetland in Northeastern Ohio. Advisor: Alison Smith.
- Yurco, Lyanne. (2007). Glacial-Interglacial Grain Size and Color Reflectance Variations on the Northwind Ridge, Chukchi Sea: A Regional Study of Arctic Climate in the Late Pleistocene. Advisor: Joseph Ortiz.
- Kelley, Brian. (2006). New Genus and Species (Goneplacidae: carcinoplacinae) of Lake Pliocene. Advisor: Rodney Feldman.
- Woodward, Stephen. (2006). Landward Fining in Late Holocene Tsunami Deposits from Southeastern Hokkaido. Advisor: Andrew Moore.
- Miklus, Nicole. (2004). Ostracodes as Indicators of Allerod Through Younger Dryas Environments at Three Fossil Mastodon Sites in New York State. Advisor: Alison Smith.
- Hoy, Richard. (1993). The Origin of Fine-Grained Sediments in the Ohio Caverns. Advisor: Richard Heimlich.
- Harrington, Denise. (1991). Mechanisms of Deformation in a Kink Band at Laurel Run Dam, Pennsylvania. Advisor: John Anderson.
- Whitmore, John. (1985). Additions to the Cenozoic Decapoda of South America. Advisor: Rodney Feldman.
- Rogers, Gary. (1980). Mapping and Observations of a Marginal Glacier Cave on the Llewelyn Glacer, British Columbia, Canada. Advisor: Barry Miller.
- Holden, William. (1977). An Occurrence of Barite Concretions in Devonian Age Rocks of Ohio and their Possible Significance. Advisor: Ernest Carlson.
- Cvetkovich, Carol. (1966). An Analysis of Sand Samples from North-Eastern Spain and Southwestern France. Advisor: N/A.