Professionalism/Work Ethic
Career Competency #6

Demonstrate personal accountability and effective work habits, e.g., punctuality, working productively with others, and time workload management, and understand the impact of non-verbal communication on professional work image.

The individual demonstrates integrity and ethical behavior, acts responsibly with the interests of the larger community in mind, and is able to learn from his/her mistakes.

  1. Listen and treat others with respect
  2. Be an effective communicator
  3. Prioritize work
  4. Accountable and Organized

Check out this Short Podcast on Leadership

Ways You Can Be Professional TODAY:

Be accountable for your actions. Be structured, well organized and present professionally. Make sure work is done consistently and properly

Create a Learning Objective:

Example: "By participating in regular staff meetings, I will demonstrate my professionalism by always arriving on time, dressed appropriately, and contributing in a constructive manner."

Reflection Prompts:

  1. How would you describe your work ethic?
  2. What do you consider to be your most important work ethic?
  3. Have you gone above and beyond at a job? If so, what were the outcomes?

Did You Know?

Work ethic shows a lot about an individual in their career. This is a major factor when employers are looking to hire someone and consider this a priority in the workplace. Additionally, someone who can work efficiently is also essential.

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