Enter Our Contest

Did you have an amazing time studying abroad? Then share it! Showcase your experiences overseas and inspire others to embark on their own global journey. Enter our photo and video contest for your chance to win, or check out the stunning entries from previous years.

Identity Abroad

While you’re abroad, you may notice that some of the identities you hold become more or less noticeable than they were at home. To help prepare you for this, refer to our wealth of resources.

Costs and Aid

Studying abroad is not as expensive as you might think! We’ve gathered tips on how to fund your overseas experience, from planning your budget to finding scholarships or securing financial aid.

Why Study Abroad

Discover the countless benefits of studying abroad such as improved academic performance, increased employability, and a deeper understanding of the world around you. We also help set the record straight with our Myth Busters and share tips on how to choose the right program.

When You Return

The journey isn't over just because you've returned! Learn how to maximize your education abroad experience on your résumé, get involved in international activities on campus, work through reverse culture shock, and celebrate everything you gained both personally and academically.

While You're Abroad

There are several important things to keep in mind when you are away from home. Review these resources when you're studying abroad to help you adjust to living as a student overseas. For example, learn what to do in case of an emergency abroad and get tips on how to adjust to culture shock. 

Before You Go

Use our handy checklist to see who you can meet with from KSU to help you plan ahead as you prepare for one of the most transformative experiences of your life: studying abroad! From the application process to budget planning, and what to expect in pre-departure orientation, we’ve got you covered.

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