Departmental Research Opportunities

The graduate school process, by its very nature, revolves around research, but there also are many different ways for undergraduates to get involved in research on campus. Eligible students from all departments can receive credit for research participation under the guidance of a faculty mentor by registering for courses such as Individual Investigation or Senior Honors Thesis. Undergraduate research assistant positions (often volunteer but sometimes paid) are available in many departments. Local, national, and international undergraduate research opportunities are also available. Internships or research programs, such as the Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program sponsored by the National Science Foundation, and the Summer Undergraduate Research Experience, offer intensive research experience and can include a stipend or other compensation. Fieldwork is another exciting option for those with interests in disciplines such as anthropology or geology. Graduate students looking for additional opportunities or support also can contact the Division of Graduate Studies.

Available Research Opportunities

Chemistry Research Opportunities Physics Research Opportunities Psychology Research Opportunities
College of Arts and Sciences Funding Opportunities Research Assistantships at the Stark Campus News: Quartet of Psychology Students Present Research Findings
Undergraduate Research Symposium College of Education Health and Human Services -  School of Lifespan Development and Educational Sciences Research Opportunities. Biological Sciences Research Opportunities