Student Organizations

Kent State Rocket Team Launches to Spaceport America Cup
The Kent State Rocket Team took seven members to New Mexico for the 2022 Spaceport America Cup, the world’s largest intercollegiate rocket engineering conference and competition!

Kent State Student Organization Awarded Prestigious Satellite Program
IN A FLASH: Step Out At FAB's Red Dress Gala
The Red Dress Gala is the Flashes Activity Board's spring semester dance. It will be held in the Kent Student Center Ballroom on Saturday, Feb. 8 from 7-9 p.m. Tickets are available Jan. 20-Feb. 6.
IN A FLASH: A Fresh Look at Student Organizations
The Fresh Start Fair gave student organizations an opportunity to let students know what they are all about - and a chance for students to check them out.

Take a Fresh Look at Kent State Student Organizations on Jan. 17
Studies show students who participate in student organizations are more successful academically and are more satisfied with their college experience. Sponsored by Kent State’s Center for Student Involvement, the Fresh Start Fair on Jan. 17 gives students an opportunity to explore the university’s 350+ student organizations.

Attend January Events on Campus for a Chance to Win!
After winter break, Kent State University’s Center for Student Involvement is welcoming students back to campus and on-campus events with a chance to win a Kent State tumbler.

It's the Great Pumpkin, Kent State!
There's a massive pumpkin inviting visitors to guess its weight inside the Herrick Conservatory. It's an annual tradition presented by student volunteers studying in the Department of Biological Sciences.

How to Stop a Zombie Attack ... With a Marshmallow
The annual "Zombie Apocalypse" event, presented by Kent State Navigators early in the fall semester, offers a fun activity for students.

IN A FLASH: Go Get Your Greens at the Spring Plant Sale!
The annual Spring Plant Sale at the Herrick Conservatory offers a chance for Flashes to add more green into their gardens and homes. Students help grow the plants and paint rain barrels. The event helps raise funds for several biology-focused student organizations.

IN A FLASH: Paint It Pink!
While celebrating their 10th anniversary on campus with Her Week and a schedule of events, student organization Her Campus Kent State lit the University Library in pink from April 9-13.