To promote and provide time for faculty scholarship, particularly work that may increase chances for extramural funding, each Fall the URC invites proposals for either a 10-week appointment during the summer or for one semester during the academic year at full pay. Full time tenure track and NTT faculty are eligble. The summer appointment carries a $10,000 stipend and faculty may not receive awards in consecutive years.
Proposals are reviewed by screening committees chaired by URC members and comprised of faculty members in the following clusters of disciplines: Natural Sciences and Mathematics; Professional Schools; Arts; Humanities; and Social and Behavioral Sciences.
Interdisciplinary Research Projects: Interdisciplinary proposals are accepted in the Summer Research appointment competition that are authored by two faculty members in different academic units. The proposal, if recommended for an award, provides a stipend or released time for each faculty member.
To be considered for funding the proposal must describe a project in which both faculty members contribute in approximate equal measure. The proposal must clearly describe the contribution each faculty member will make toward the successful completion of the project.
This modality is implemented to promote, support and nurture interdisciplinary research activities at KSU. The expected outcomes of such projects must include, but are not necessarily limited to, publications, presentations at professional meetings, and the preparation of a proposal for submission to an external funding agency.
- Research/Creative Activity Summer/AY Appointments
- Form to request consideration for a Faculty Summer or Academic Year Creative Activity Appointment