When and how do I apply for student teaching?

For most candidates, completing the "application" for Student Teaching should be done approximately one calendar year in advance (2-3 semesters) of when you anticipate your eligibility for participating in your Student Teaching experience. You are not expected to have completed all of the pre-requisite requirements at the time of your application. However, you should monitor your course pathway with your advisor, and make sure that all your course requirements are on-track. Students will not be permitted to take course work during their student teaching!

  • Student can apply at the appropriate time through the 'student portal.'
  • Application 'window' for Fall student teaching is typically posted Nov 1st - Dec 1st.
  • Application 'window' for Spring student teaching is typically posted April 1st - May 1st.
  • Always check the website for specific dates, announcements, and required trainings.