Helping Student with Difficult Courses

The University Retention Committee was charged with developing strategies to improve retention and graduation. A major challenge to student persistence and eventual graduation occurs when a grade of D or F is earned or when a student withdraws from a course necessary for graduation. Kent State has defined High DFW courses as those with 30% or more of the students enrolled earn a D, F, or withdraw. To improve student performance in these courses, colleges identified various strategies to be employed in a Fall 2014 pilot program to see if a difference is made at the end of the term. The strategies below may be used in combination:

  • Course Signals: Providing feedback to students on their course performance
  • Outreach/Tutoring: Encouraging students to take advantage of Supplemental Instruction resources
  • Online Modules: Developing support materials to help students with coursework
  • ALEKS: Expanding use of ALEKS in other math courses to improve performance
  • FPDC: Employing pedagogical strategies to improve learning

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POSTED: Wednesday, November 19, 2014 05:31 PM
UPDATED: Thursday, December 08, 2022 08:45 AM

For the 10th time, Kent State University is being recognized as a “Great College to Work For,” according to the latest survey by the Great Colleges to Work For program. The program recognizes the colleges that get top ratings from their employees regarding workplace practices and policies. 

The U.S. Department of Education has awarded Kent State University a nearly $1.2 million, five-year TRIO Educational Opportunity Centers program grant. The program is designed to provide support services to qualified adults, including veterans, who want to enter or continue a program of postsecondary education. 

Kent State University Senior Vice President and Provost Melody Tankersley, Ph.D., announced the selection of Manfred van Dulmen, Ph.D., to serve as the university’s associate provost for academic affairs and dean of the Division of Graduate Studies, effective April 16.