Angela Neal-Barnett
Research Area:
Does Dr. Neal-Barnett plan to recruit a doctoral student for the next incoming class?
Director PRADAA
(Program for Research on Anxiety Disorders among African Americans Department of Psychology Kent State University)
Soothe Your Nerves: The Black Woman's Guide to Understanding and Overcoming Anxiety, Panic, and Fear
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Research Interests
The Program for Research on Anxiety Disorders among African Americans is committed to doing high quality publishable anxiety research and disseminating the research results in meaningful ways to African American communities. Current research includes trichotillomania; racial identity, anxiety and acting white; and physical/ emotional well-being of African American female adolescents.
Program for Research on Anxiety Disorders among African Americans
Courses Frequently Taught
Adolescence (undergraduate)
Child Psychopathology (graduate)
Gender and Minorities (graduate)
Acting White
Racial Identity
Sister Circles
infant mortality
race-related stress
- Stadulis, R.E., Neal-Barnett, A.M., MacCracken, M.J., & Fender-Scarr, L. (2014). Social physique anxiety in early Black adolescent girls. Comprehensive Psychology, 3, 12.
- Murray, M.S., Neal-Barnett, A.M., *Demmings, J., & Stadulis, R.E. (2012). The acting white accusation, racial identity and anxiety in African American adolescents. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 526-532. doi: 10.1016/j.janxdis.2012.02.006
- Neal-Barnett, A.M., Payne, M.R., Murray, M., Stadulis, R., Thomas, A., & Salley, B. (2011). Sister circles as a culturally relevant intervention for anxious African American Women. Clinical Psychology Science and Practice, 18, 266-273. doi: 10.1111/j.14
- Neal-Barnett, A.M., Stadulis, Payne, M.R., Crosby, L., Mitchell. M., Costa, C.W., Williams, L. (2011). In the company of my sisters: Sister Circles as an anxiety intervention for African American women. Journal of Affective Disorders.
- Neal-Barnett, A.M., Stadulis, R., *Singer, N, *Murray, M., & *Demming, J. (2010). Assessing the effects of experiencing the acting white accusation, The Urban Review, 42 (2), 102-122. DOI 10.1007/s11256-009-0130-5.
- Neal-Barnett, A. M., Flessner, C.; Woods, D.; Franklin, M.; Keuthen, N., & Stein, D. (2010 ). Ethnic Differences in Trichotillomania: Phenomenology, Interference, Impairment, and Treatment Efficacy. Journal of Anxiety Disorders 24 (6), 553-558. DOI 10.101
- Neal-Barnett, Statom, D. & Stadulis, R. (2010) Trichotillomania symptoms in African Americans: Are they related to anxiety and culture? CNS Neuroscience and Therapeutics, no. doi: 10.1111/j. 1755-5949.2010.00138.x
- Neal-Barnett, A.M., Crosby, L.C., and Salley, B.B. (2010). Anxiety. In R. Hampton, R. Crowell, & T. Gullota (Eds.) Handbook of African American Health Psychology New York: Guilford.
- Neal-Barnett, A. M. & Stadulis, R. (2006). Affective states and racial identity among African American women with trichotillomania. Journal of the National Medical Association, 98, 753-757.
- Stadulis, R., Neal-Barnett, A, Fender-Scarr, L., MacCracken, M., Gandee, R., Newman, D., Schoffman, G., Sullivan, B. & Silas-Butler, J. (2004). Psychometric properties of the Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (Short Form) with an African American preadolesce