Developing and Recognizing Our People
Academic Affairs is an organization of people, and people are its greatest asset. Recognizing and developing our people is central to our individual success and to the collective success of Kent State University. No university can exist or thrive without treating its employees in a fair, respectful, and dignified manner.
To view the narratives which serve as examples of how Academic Affairs is "Developing and Recognizing Our People," choose from the categories below:
- Strategy 1: Improve communication about existing and new opportunities for professional development, incentives, and awards.
- Strategy 2: Enhance professional development opportunities for faculty, students, and staff.
- Strategy 3: Require all areas of academic affairs to participate in succession planning.
- Strategy 4: Find ways to recognize within the individual human element of our employees within an increasingly automated system.
- Strategy 5: Enhance collaboration, collegiality, and climate to create a better understanding of each other.
- Strategy 6: Increase the number, meaning, and visibility of internal and external awards our people receive.