List of Experiences

For this section, list up to 15 experiences that affected your life or decision to become a medical doctor. These may include (but are not limited to): volunteer activities, medically relevant experiences, laboratory research, shadowing experience, employment, leadership roles, etc.

For each experience, provide a title, start and end dates, total number of hours, name of organization, location, contact information for a person who can verify your participation (when possible), as well as a brief description (maximum 700 characters). List your experiences in chronological order, as this is how they will appear on your actual application.

Consider the Core Competencies for Entering Medical Students when writing your experience description. You should use your description to explain how that experience either taught you or allowed you to demonstrate one or several of the Core Competencies.

You must identify at least one and no more than three activities that you consider to be "Most Meaningful." For these experiences, you are allowed an additional 1325 characters to explain why you feel this experience is meaningful.

Your experiences should ideally include only activities you have undertaken post-high school. There may be some exceptions made for on-going experiences, significant awards or achievements related to medicine, or similar instances.

Tips and examples can be found in the "Guidelines for Completing Experiences/Activities Section" in the PMC application.