Kent State University College of Podiatric Medicine (CPM) is both delighted and disheartened to announce the retirement of Joan “Joani” Lannoch, Senior Graphic Designer, effective June 30, 2020. Joan found the Ohio College of Podiatric Medicine (OCPM, the former name of CPM prior to its acquisition by Kent State in 2012) as a patient of its teaching facility, Cleveland Foot & Ankle Clinic (CFAC). While walking to classes at Cleveland Institute of Art in 1977, Joan sought help for heel pain at CFAC on 105th and Carnegie Avenue. During her treatment, Joan was introduced to College photographer and Director of Biomedical Communications at the time, Bruce Cowell, while he documented her case for teaching purposes. Joan and Bruce bonded over their shared interest in the arts, and before her course of treatment was finished at CFAC, she found herself as a part-time employee for OCPM.
Joan started out at the College drawing pen and ink illustrations that would become slides for classroom lectures and journal articles. She would work part-time for OCPM for the next three years, until her graduation in 1980, wherein the day after earning her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Illustration, deservedly received an offer of full-time employment at OCPM. Since that fateful day, Joan has become lovingly known as “Joani” by staff, faculty, and the thousands of students that she’s seen come through CPM’s doors over the course of her 40 years of service. Joani’s roles and expertise has expanded exponentially over the years with the evolution of lecture formats and the ever-changing educational needs of the new generation of medical students. In addition to serving as the College resource for digital material, Joani has illustrated several published podiatric medicine textbooks, produced award-winning scientific posters for our students and faculty, and much more.
While Joani’s office is tucked away on the 4th floor of the CPM campus, she’s certainly no stranger to our students and community. In fact, she’s one of the first to welcome the incoming class each year, and never misses a single alumni celebration to capture photographs and catch up with past students. Outside of making an impact on CPM, Joani is passionate about making the world a better, greener place to live. When the University took part in Recyclemania, a nationwide recycling competition, Joani lead the charge at CPM and continues to do her best every day to reduce waste on campus and increase recycling programs.
Senior Associate Dean Dr. Vincent Hetherington says he’s known Joani since he started at CPM 31 years ago and has dubbed her a wizard when it comes to podiatric medical education. “Not only is she a supreme medical artist, but in terms of our profession, she knows exactly what we’re talking about and what we need to see.” Over the years, they’ve become friends and enjoy lunch together nearly every day. “I’ll certainly miss her when she’s gone.” Dr. Hetherington says. A sentiment to which everyone who knows Joani can echo.
Joani reflects on her career at CPM by sharing an important lesson to those she departs, “The rocky start to my wart excision turned into a fulltime career. You never know how opportunities will present themselves.” The entire CPM community expresses their sincerest gratitude and best wishes to Joan “Joani” Lannoch for her forty years of dedicated service. We look forward to seeing where your next adventures take you!