A variety of activities are available to OCPM students. Only a student's interests and free time limit the extent of student participation in extracurricular activities. It is believed that this is an important part of student life and can contribute significantly to the fulfillment of students' personal and professional development. For this reason, the College encourages participation in activities whenever possible.
Ohio Podiatric Medical Student Association (OPMSA)
The Ohio Podiatric Medical Student Association serves as the governing branch of the student organizations and student body at OCPM. It is an affiliate of the American Podiatric Medical Student Association (APMSA) and the Ohio Podiatric Medical Association (OPMA). OPMSA is led by a president, president-elect, and executive board, which coordinates all facets of student activities, including local and national affairs, business administration, clinic management, public information, and extracurricular activities. Each year, OPMSA coordinates for the student body a lecture series, annual symposium, social events, sporting events, a short-term emergency loan fund, as well as a quarterly newsletter and annual yearbook. On a national level, OPMSA represents the students in all academic and national affairs concerning the profession of podiatric medicine and podiatric medical education.
American Association of Podiatric Practice Management (AAPPM)
This organization provides students with the information and skills necessary to manage a successful podiatric practice.
American Association of Women in Podiatry (AAWP)
AAWP provides support and an informational network which address the special needs of women podiatry students. Membership is open to all students. The group provides guest speakers including local members of the profession. This organization participates weekly at the Free Clinic and Battered Women's Shelter and co-sponsors the Spring Scientific Seminar. The group is affiliated with the national organization.
American College of Foot & Ankle Orthopedics & Medicine (ACFAOM)
ACFAOM is an education, research, and advocacy organization that promotes understanding of the valuable services rendered by podiatrists who devote most of their practice to podiatric orthopedics and primary podiatric medicine. The mission of ACFAOM is to sustain an environment conducive to the pursuit of excellence in podiatric orthopedics and primary care by education, research, and augmenting the productivity, image, and stature of its members.
American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons (ACFAS)
This organization provides opportunities for students to gain more information and exposure to the aspects of surgery. Activities include various special labs and guest lecturers.
Jewish Podiatric Medical Student Association (JPMSA)
This organization provides students with the opportunity to learn about Jewish scholarships in medicine, to stimulate fellowship between all the different denominations of Jewish students, and to organize social events for students.
Podiatric Association for Diabetes (PAD)
The objective of this club is to enhance podiatric medical education by providing seminars in diabetic care and management of diet and weight control. PAD also works with the American Diabetes Association (ADA) to educate the community on diabetes, to provide early prevention and intervention of diabetic complications, as well as to provide additional practice in treatment of diabetes.
Sports Medicine Club
The Sports Medicine Club's objective is to promote interest and knowledge in the field of sports medicine and the role that podiatric medicine plays in the prevention and treatment of athletic injuries. Throughout the year, the club sponsors several lectures, seminars, and workshops on podiatric sports medicine and is active in providing podiatric medical care at various athletic events in the Cleveland area. The club also provides opportunities where students can observe podiatric sports medicine in various settings.
Student National Podiatric Medical Association (SNPMA)
The Ohio Chapter of the Student National Podiatric Medical Association represents interests of minority students, including American Indians, Blacks, Asians, and Spanish surname students. SNPMA works toward disseminating information regarding podiatric recruitment and retention of qualified ethnic minority students at OCPM. SNPMA provides information regarding podiatric ethnic minority health organizations.
OCPM fraternities provide students with an avenue for broadening their scope of podiatric medical knowledge through a series of lectures and practical demonstrations offered during the year. Alpha Gamma Kappa and Kappa Tau Epsilon administer their own podiatric medical services at different locations in the city of Cleveland under the guidance of a faculty-clinician.
Alpha Gamma Kappa (AGK)
AGK is a professional fraternity that enhances both academic and social skills in a well-balanced environment. Members gain practical experience at hands-on workshops and foot care clinics for the underprivileged. Social gatherings and an annual golf outing afford students the opportunity to interact with peers as well as with faculty in enjoyable settings.
Kappa Tau Epsilon (KTE)
Kappa Tau Epsilon provides special lectures and programs for podiatric medical students. The fraternity sponsors many outside activities, both social and professional, to provide as many experiences for its members as possible.
Pi Delta National Honor Society — Beta Chapter
Pi Delta is the National Podiatric Honor Society demonstrating high standards of intellectual and scholarly activity.
Requirements for membership include: Ranking in the top 20% of your class with at least a 3.5 grade point average and no failing grade prior to reexamination while attending podiatric medical school; A minimum of two years of scholastic work applicable toward the degree granted by the college of podiatric Medicine which you are attending; A passing score on the NBPME Part I exam in your first sitting; A definite ability for achievement in the science and art of podiatry coupled with high moral character, personality and leadership traits; and A research paper of podiatric interest suitable for publication
Following are guidelines for the submission of the paper. There are three types of papers that will be accepted: an independent research project, systematic review, or a literature review. For the research project, you must get approval on your topic from Dr. Hetherington prior to the deadline for submission of abstracts as described below. Isolated case studies are not acceptable. Please use the format suggested by the Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery for your paper.
A title and abstract of approximately 500 words must be submitted to Dr. Hetherington by the first Tuesday in November for his approval. The final draft is due by the second Friday in January. After the papers have been accepted, you will be notified, and you will be honored at Commencement.
If you have any questions directly relating to the topic or contents of your paper, feel free to contact Dr. Hetherington.
Footprints is the official student publication of OCPM. Published during the academic year, Footprints is distributed to the students, staff, and faculty of the College, as well as other colleges of podiatric medicine and outside organizations. The objective of Footprints is to provide its readers with factual information about the events occurring at the College and in the field of podiatric medicine.
The Occopodian is the yearbook of OCPM. It is edited and staffed by students who volunteer their time and energy to publish the yearbook and manage its finances. The yearbook is a historical compendium of the classes, clinics, administration, organizations, and activities of the academic year. New students are encouraged to join the staff. The Occopodian has a long tradition of quality and pride in its publication.
OCPM sponsors a number of athletic endeavors dependent upon the desires of the student body. In addition, many organizations sponsor special athletic competitions, including golf, flag football, volleyball, three on three basketball tournaments and softball. Inquiries should be directed to the Office of Student Affairs.
The mission of the Men's and Women's Basketball teams is to provide a vehicle for student camaraderie, athletic competition and to bring positive recognition to the Ohio College of Podiatric Medicine. Each team participates in the APMSA Basketball tournament each spring, competing against teams from the other podiatric medical schools. Try-outs for the teams are held each fall.
OCPM has a flag football team that competes in a local league in the fall.
This organization is open to all students of any skill level who enjoy and are interested in playing soccer. The team plays in an indoor soccer league during the fall and winter.