CMSE 2018 Summer Institute: Workshop Descriptions

More information about the Summer Institute, including how to register, can be found on the 2018 Summer Institute page.


Preschool Math: Supporting Preschool Children’s Mathematical Thinking Beyond the Basics

Sorry, this workshop will NOT be offered in Summer 2018.


Grades 3-5 Math: Facilitating Multiplicative and Fractional Reasoning Grades 3-5

Instructor: Dr. Karl Kosko
Purpose & Activities: The purpose of this workshop is to gain a better understanding of how upper elementary children learn and conceptualize multiplication/division and fractions, and to improve one’s skills at facilitating children’s meaningful understanding of these concepts.
Specific Workshop Objectives: 

  • Develop an improved understanding of how children develop understandings of multiplication/division and fractions in upper elementary grades.
  • Engage in activities to create high cognitive demand tasks that facilitate children’s meaningful understanding of multiplication/division and fractions.


Middle School Math: Getting Students Moving to Learn Negative Number Operations and Other Math Topics from Grade 5 to Algebra 

Sorry, this workshop will NOT be offered in Summer 2018.


High School Math: Mathematical Modeling in the Secondary Mathematics Classroom

Instructor: Joanne Caniglia, Ph.D.
Purpose & Activities: The goals of the workshop include: (1) giving teachers activities and strategies for delivering the Ohio’s Mathematics Learning Standards for Grades 7–12 with an emphasis on mathematical modelling; (2) engaging teachers in investigating rich mathematical tasks and classroom discourse to enhance learning; (3) helping teachers set up and enact lessons that incorporate cognitively demanding tasks, formative assessment, linked representations, modeling, and technology (DESMOS); (4) enhancing the capacity to teach modeling in courses such as Ohio’s Modeling and Quantitative Reasoning; (5) developing teachers' comfort level and proficiency in using DESMOS and GEOGEBRA; and (6) helping teachers develop lesson alternatives for secondary classes that incorporate modeling and technology in meaningful ways. 
Specific Workshop Objectives: Participants will understand:

  • What is a mathematical model?
  • What is the mathematical modelling processing?
  • Modeling within each secondary mathematics content area using a Model Eliciting Activity.
  • Using 2D, 3D, models
  • Planning and presenting rich lessons involving modeling
  • Using Technology:  DESMOS and GeoGebra 


Middle School/High School Science: Increasing Inquiry in Middle and High School Science

Instructor: Dr. Lisa Borgerding
Purpose and Activities: During this course participants will participate in hands-on activities, group discussions, presentations, pedagogical analyses and curriculum development.  The topics addressed in this workshop are (1) understanding inquiry pedagogy in science classrooms, (2) distinguishing levels of inquiry (confirmation, structured, guided, & open), (3) scaffolding inquiry (data representation, procedure development, arguing from evidence), (4) reforming cookbook labs, (5) assessing inquiry, (6) differentiating for inquiry, (7) designing big data inquiries, (8) designing citizen science inquiries, and (9) designing engineering inquiries
Specific Workshop Objectives: Successful completion of this course will enable you to:

  • Explore different levels of inquiry
  • Collect and examine inquiry-based activities from biology, chemistry, physical science, and earth science
  • Modify existing activities to increase the inquiry-level
  • Develop assessment rubrics for assessing inquiry activities
  • Utilize scaffolds (writing templates, procedure choices, data representation templates) to support students for different levels of inquiry
  • Differentiate inquiry activities to meet the diverse needs of students
  • Plan “big data” inquiry investigations
  • Plan citizen science inquiry investigations
  • Plan engineering inquiry investigations