Projects Completed in 2014
Here are the major construction projects that were completed during 2014:
Ashtabula Main Hall Renovations, Phase 3
Ashtabula Main Hall’s south side of the first floor A-Wing converted the vacated bookstore and physical therapy labs into a consolidated and expanded Student Services area. The new Student Services provides streamlined services for students including Advising, Registration, Admissions and Financial Aid. The Dean's office and A-Wing first floor restrooms were also renovated. This portion of the project was completed on March 7; furniture was delivered and move-in was completed March 14. The former Student Services area was renovated and converted into the Student Commons and new kitchen equipment was installed. This project was designed by Payto Architects, Inc. Stitle Construction Corporation’s on-site construction activities were completed in August with punch list completed mid-September.
Baseball and Softball Training Facility
An approximately 13,058 SF indoor hitting and pitching practice facility was built for the men's baseball and the women's softball teams. The building consists of a pre-engineered steel structure with a partial masonry veneer. The interior has a field-turf surface, basic high-bay lighting with overhead radiant heating and ventilation system. The practice facility allows both men's and women’s teams to practice indoors prior to and during their seasons which occur in early spring, enabling both men’s and women’s teams to also practice pitching from dirt mounds. The new facility relieves some of the congestion at the Field House with other sports teams in training. Hammond Construction's work on this project, designed by Perspectus Architecture, LLC, was completed at the end of September.
Centennial Research Park Multi-Discipline Lab
Swing space is needed while the science facilities are being renovated and research space is needed for new hires. Van Auken Akins Architects designed the renovations to Centennial Research Park’s former 4,000 SF wash bay area, which includes installation of lab casework, window openings, new restrooms, HVAC, fire protection, electrical distribution and lighting systems. Infinity Construction Company completed on-site construction in January. University personnel from the College of Public Health and the College of Applied Engineering, Sustainability and Technology relocated to Centennial Research Park.
Clark, Fletcher and Manchester Halls HVAC and Student Room Improvements
In the Eastway Center Residence Halls Complex (Clark, Fletcher, and Manchester halls), the two-pipe heating-only systems were replaced with four-pipe systems capable of providing heating and cooling to student rooms. The flooring was abated and the existing built-in closets removed. Corridor finishes and lighting improvements were also included in this project. Dynamix Engineering, Ltd. was the Criteria Architect/Engineer for this two-year project. Turner Construction Company served as the Design-Build firm. Renovations in Clark Hall were completed during the summer of 2013 in time for the return of students moving into the residence hall. This summer, construction activities in Fletcher and Manchester halls were completed in time for the return of students.
Engleman Hall Building Masonry Restoration
Engleman Hall's building envelope was in need of substantial masonry tuck-pointing and caulking to prevent deterioration of the facades. This project involves the restoration of the brick and stone masonry facades. Mid-State Restoration's on-site construction was completed in the winter for this project that was designed by Carl Walker, Inc.
Field House Locker Room Expansion
The Field House was expanded along the south side of the building to provide locker room facilities for Women's Softball, Women's Field Hockey, Women's Soccer and both Men's and Women's Track teams. Braun & Steidl, Architects, Inc. served as the Criteria Architect/Engineer for this project. Regency Construction Services, Inc. served as the Design-Build firm. Construction of the new 13,000 SF addition was completed in January. The student athletes and coaches are occupying the new locker rooms.
Geauga Classroom Building Exterior Fascia Panels and Canopy Replacement
Geauga Classroom Building's original exterior fascia panels were deteriorating. The exterior fascia panels around the entire perimeter of the building were removed and replaced and fascia panels on the west entrance canopy were removed and replaced to match the new south canopy. This project was designed by Karl R. Rohrer Associates. Hummel Construction Company's on-site construction was completed mid-September.
Geauga Classroom Building HVAC Replacements, Multiple Phases
In 2010, Kent State University at Geauga commissioned a study to evaluate the Classroom Building's heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems to determine and recommend which HVAC equipment and systems are most in need of replacement and to recommend a system type for replacement. Karpinski Engineering, Inc. designed the multiple phases of this project. Future phases will complete the HVAC replacements over several projects during the course of several years. This summer, Best Commercial Energy Services' completed Phase 3 work to remove the existing McQuay air handling unit and replace it with a new make-up air VRF heating and cooling system.
Geauga Transit Shelter
At Geauga Campus, a new transit center was built at the south parking area of the Main Classroom Building. Karl R. Rohrer Associates designed this project and Poggemeyer Design Group assisted with administering the Federal transportation grant requirements. Kent State incorporated the State of Ohio and the Federal requirements into the construction documents. The parking area was paved and striped and the parking lot light poles were set. Partially-buried utility connections were rerouted from the new parking lot to reconnect to the building. Hummel Construction Company’s construction activities were completed in April.
Gym Annex Pool Adaptive Reuse Renovations
In the Gym Annex, the 10,000 SF former aquatics area, vacant for the past ten years, was renovated to provide classrooms and laboratories for the School of Visual Communications and Design. This project, designed by Braun & Steidl, Architects, was critically needed to address temporary classroom space while major campus improvements are completed over the next four years. Construction was completed on the first and second floors and classrooms were occupied at the start of spring semester. The former pool mechanical rooms and pool diving area were converted to facility maintenance space and storage. Outdoors, the hill was graded and seeded and the parking lot was repaired. Summit Construction Company's work was completed late summer.
Kent Campus Residence Services Energy Conservation Project
This project encompasses approximately 1,800,000 SF of twenty-six residence hall buildings on the Kent Campus to address the House Bill 251 energy use reduction goals. The projected construction installation cost is twenty million dollars, resulting in $1,800,000 total annual guaranteed utility cost savings. The Brewer-Garrett Company commenced installation processes in June 2011 and coordinated with other residence hall projects planned outside of this project's scope through the summer of 2014. This project exceeds the 20% HB 251 energy reduction goals with 37% annual energy consumption savings and avoided greenhouse gas emissions. The project is utilizing provisions per Ohio Legislation HB 7 for payback of project cost with guaranteed energy savings over the allowed 15-year payback time period. In addition, substantial deferred renewal items were addressed: replacement of single-pane, original windows at Prentice, Verder, Dunbar, Lake and Olson halls; installation of air handling equipment in Beall/McDowell Center, and caulking, tuckpointing, lintel repair and replacements on the building envelopes. A student room energy conservation control system was implemented throughout; this strategy automatically reduces HVAC and electrical usage when rooms are unoccupied. Envelope repairs and windows replacements in Dunbar, Prentice, Verder, Lake and Olson halls and envelope repairs at Tri-Towers Rotunda and Engleman Hall are complete. Temperature controls in student rooms are operating in Centennial Courts A-F, Stopher, Johnson, Lake, Olson, Korb, Engleman, Beall, Prentice, Verder, Dunbar, Allyn, Clark, and Wright halls. Room automation at Fletcher, Manchester, Koonce and Leebrick halls were completed before the start of the Fall Semester 2014. The Tri-Towers Complex’s domestic hot water heaters were replaced and the system was upgraded to replace storage tanks in the towers with master mixing valves. Retro-commissioning of the hall’s HVAC equipment was performed to correct any deficiencies and ensure efficient operation. A total of 2,051 water conserving low-flow sink aerators and approximately 1,600 reduced flow showerheads were installed in all of the residence halls. To reduce electricity consumption, lighting was retrofitted in Stopher and Johnson halls, Centennial Courts A-F, Verder, Prentice, Dunbar, Engleman, Lake, Olson, Beall, McDowell, Koonce, Leebrick and Wright halls. New motors with variable frequency drives were installed on the building heating systems in multiple resident halls. Kitchen hood controls were installed in Eastway Center and Tri-Towers Rotunda that will automatically reduce exhaust flows by up to 70% when not required to capture heat and/or fumes from cooking. Heat recovery systems are now being used to extract additional heat from the condensate prior to returning it to the Power Plant at Lake and Olson halls, Centennial Courts A/B, C/D, and E/F. The condensate heat recovery systems reduce the steam required by buildings and help to provide more opportunities for waste heat recovery at the Power Plant. Utility meters were installed in all of the residence halls and are reporting consumptions to the building automation system for billing. The Web-based energy dashboard should be ready for public access by this November. This dashboard is intended to help promote energy conservation and review utility consumptions. Utility meter readings for individual residence halls will be used during energy conservation competitions between similar halls. All construction work was complete by the start of fall semester. The first year’s energy savings were approximately $2,600,000.00, which far exceeded the guaranteed first-year energy savings projection. Reference the Residence Services Sustainability Web page to view some of the progress of this project.
Library Fifth Floor Renovation
The fifth floor of the Library was renovated for University College for temporary use as swing space while the Olson Center is under construction. Last summer, journals and shelving were removed from fifth floor of the Library, providing a wide-open space. The project, designed by Payto Architects, Inc., included abatement of all asbestos-containing floor tile and mastic. Drywall partitions were built to create a large conference room and an office suite with two private offices. New carpet was installed and all walls were painted. Stitle Construction Corporation completed construction and University College moved from the Olson Center to their new space at the end of January.
Library Fire Alarm Upgrade
The remaining portions of the Library fire alarm system that were controlled from the old fire alarm control panel were upgraded this summer. Summit Electric's installation of all new fire alarm system devices for this project, designed by EPIC Design Group, was completed August 14.
Library Roof Replacement and Parapet Repairs
URS Corporation designed this project to replace the Library’s tower and main building roofing systems. Work involves installation of lighting protection and fall protection, and the removal of old chillers and cooling towers no longer in service. Terik Roofing's masonry restoration, roofing, coping installations, and installation of the roof ladder were completed this winter.
Mathematical Sciences Building Math Lab
The former room 313, now renumbered as room 319, of the Mathematical Sciences Building was converted into a ScaleUP Math Lab with eleven 9-student tables for interactive coursework. To update the room, it was painted, new carpeting installed, lighting re-worked, and new tables and chairs provided. Math Lab 319 has large projection screens at each end with smaller flat screen monitors spaced around the room and whiteboard surfaces on all walls. The entrance was relocated closer to the elevator and adjacent office space had their entrances moved from the lab room into the hallway. Hasenstab Architects, Inc. assisted with designing the project through the Bidding Stage. Stitle Construction Corporation's on-site construction was completed this summer.
McGilvrey Hall Building Envelope Restoration
Carl Walker, Inc. designed this project to replace McGilvrey Hall’s building roof systems and prepare for a major restoration of the building’s stone and brick facades. Work involved installation of lighting protection and fall protection, and removal of old mechanical equipment no longer in service. Hively Contracting Company work was completed in early fall.
New Building for the College of Applied Engineering, Sustainability and Technology
In support of the recently redefined and renamed College of Applied Engineering, Sustainability and Technology, a new facility was built to reflect the level of sophistication envisioned for the college. The new facility houses classrooms, labs and administrative and faculty offices. In addition, a portion of the building was planned as shell space for future expansion as additional funding becomes available. The research activities of the college are located in another building on campus. This project will be registered with the USGBC for minimum Silver LEED certification. Bostwick Design Partnership served as the Architect of Record; Hammond Construction, Inc. served as Construction Manager at Risk. In addition, separate consultants were under contract to assist Kent State on this project: The Ruhlin Company served as the Major Construction Program Manager, Doty & Miller Architects & Planners, Inc. was the LEED Process Consultant, and Four Seasons Environmental, Inc. was the Commissioning Agent. On December 8, phase 1 equipment was moved out of Van Deusen Hall and into the new building. Phase 2 move-in activities continued the week of December 15.
Poetry Park at the Esplanade
Poetry Park was built for use by students, faculty, staff and the public along the new Lester A. Lefton Esplanade connection to downtown Kent. The park includes displayed poetry works by Wick Poetry Center and the Glyphix studio on campus, and installation of new walks, an amphitheater, and plantings. This project was designed by The Collaborative, Inc. Hummel Construction Company's on-site construction was completed this summer.
Prentice House Relocation and Renovation
The May Prentice House, a residence of historical significance to Kent State University, was relocated due to the Lester A. Lefton Esplanade project and for future use by the university. Interior and exterior renovations were completed to bring the building up to code for the university's use. Rick Hawksley, Architect, dba Design with a Vision, assisted with planning and designing this two-phased project. A new foundation, basement and structural floor system were built, new electrical, mechanical and plumbing systems installed, accessibility upgrades were made, elevator installed, and interior and exterior improvements were completed. Hummel Construction Company work completed this fall.
Stark Maintenance Building Envelope Repairs and Roof Replacement
Stark Campus' Maintenance Building's masonry was in poor condition and in need of repair, and the roof had several active leaks and was in need of significant repairs. This project involved masonry repairs, including brick replacements, tuckpointing, replacement of exterior sealants, repairs of exterior doors and railings. The building was power-washed and water repellant was applied. The majority of damaged brick and damaged mortar joints were removed and replaced. By the end of September, the metal roof, all flashings, gutters and insulation were replaced with a new roofing system with a 30-year warranty. Jeffrey Carr Construction's on-site work, including the installation of overhead doors and painting, was completed by the end of October. This project was designed by Harris/Day Architects, Inc.
Stockdale Dispatch Renovations
Designed by Four Points Architectural Services, Stockdale’s dispatch center was relocated into a larger, more secured room. Renovations entailed complete demolition and reconstruction of the new center and installation of furniture systems for five dispatch workstations. Last summer, The Cornice Co., Inc. completed installation of the new dispatch center. New windows were installed and the HVAC improvements were completed in early 2014.
Trumbull Classroom Building Lecture Hall Renovation and Expansion
Built in 1970, the main Classroom Building at Trumbull Campus houses the main administrative and faculty offices, classrooms, lecture hall, and science laboratories. Within this building is the 265-seat, tiered Lecture Hall, which has had only minor cosmetic improvements over the last forty-three years. The original 3,200 SF Lecture Hall and support spaces were renovated and upgraded. The expansion adds approximately 1,800 SF and includes a new building entry and vestibule. A lower level basement of approximately 1,200 SF was added under the Lecture Hall. Renovations extend the Lecture Hall and support spaces in length and width, expand the seating from 260 to approximately 300, be fully accessible for those with mobility impairments, include audio and visual system enhancements, and an instructor’s lectern and teaching system control center. Renovations involved abatement of asbestos containing materials impacted, upgrades to the mechanical, electrical and data systems, and installation of a new fire protection system for the Lecture Hall. Hively Contracting Company is working on punch list items in order to be close out this project. Perspectus Architecture, LLC designed this project.
Tuscarawas Eugene Tolloty Technology Center Incubator
Northeast of the Kent State University at Tuscarawas Campus, the Community Improvement Corporation (CIC) of Tuscarawas County constructed the 170-acre Tuscarawas Technology Park in 2008. All roadways throughout the Technology Park are paved and all utilities have been installed with the roadways. The Eugene Tolloty Technology Center Incubator is the first building constructed in the Technology Park; it is located on the 7.8 acre “Development Area F”. Kent State University at Tuscarawas owns the building and it is being managed and operated by the CIC of Tuscarawas County. A 25,000 SF business/technology incubator was built with 15,000 SF of office, conference and laboratory spaces. The focus of the incubator is to provide start-up space to high-tech companies involved in research and development. Efforts continue to be made to attract information technology, computer animation, polymer research and development, biotech and nanotech research companies, advanced materials research companies, and other high-tech research and development companies. The master plan for the Technology Park identifies future construction of buildings to take place in clusters on various multi-acre parcels. The terrain is heavily rolling with portions of the land previously reclaimed from coal mining. Forty-eight acres are set-aside for LEED-certified structures, and along with the remaining 112 acres, have restrictive covenants and building review standards for a quality-controlled, unified development. Kent State is preparing documents to meet LEED certification standards for energy efficiency. Funding for this project was made up of grants from the Ohio Department of Development Job Ready Sites, the Community Improvement Corporation of Tuscarawas County; and the US Department of Commerce, EDA. Additional funding was provided by the Tuscarawas County University Branch District. Poggemeyer Design Group designed this project; Jeffrey Carr Construction was the General Contractor. This project was completed at the end of April. A dedication celebration was held on June 17.
Verder Hall Toilet and Shower Room Renovations
This project, designed by Domokur Architects, involved a complete renovation of the six toilet and shower room units in Verder Hall. The new design is ADA compliant and follows the bath-in-a-bath design developed by Residence Services. The Knoch Corporation's on-site work was completed in August in time for the return of students for fall semester.